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Account: Email Password Requirements
Account Security is critical for everyone that uses email. When an email account is hacked and used to send spam - it can impact every customer that uses email. When our servers are blocked for sending spam - customers can't send critical emails.Passwords must be 8-14 characters in length with at le
Account & Billing
Sitebuilder Plus: Text Alignment
When you click on the text box, you'll see the features shown below. There is an icon to "right justify" or to span the full width as shown below. If the text does not go as far to the right as you need, then perhaps you just need to resize the actual text box.
Sitebuilder Plus
Sitebuilder Plus: Simplestore Sales Tax
Here's how to set a tax rate in SimpleStore.Added SimpleStore prior to 5/15/12 or using PayPal for checkoutClick Ecommerce in the left navigation menu.Click Set tax and shipping rates.Click Edit next to Tax Rate.Enter the sales tax rate you want to apply to orders made through your website.Click Sav
Sitebuilder Plus: Resizeable Background Image
You can achieve a background image that scales to the browser window via code.Try putting the following code in the HTML Head tag section while having an image selected to be the background. Note: This will stretch the image to be the background, so if the image is small, it may appear pixelated, an
Sitebuilder Plus
Sitebuilder Plus: PayPal
From the Websites Manager page, click More > Manage PayPal, and you'll see a field where you can change the email address associated with the PayPal account.
Sitebuilder Plus
Sitebuilder Plus: Changing Mouseover Effect Color
This specifically edits what color shows when the cursor is over one of the Site navigation links.When you are editing the navigation menu, the option to set your link color is under the Style tab, however, you can set a "Selected Page Effect" under the Effects tab. This option allows you to change
Sitebuilder Plus
Sitebuilder Plus: Open A PDF or File in a New Browser Window
Use a text box and type in the text you want to add the link to "Uninsured Services", then highlight the text. On the right you will see link, click it. Then you will see what is pictured below. Browse to the pdf and then change the setting at the bottom.
Sitebuilder Plus
Sitebuilder: Install Sitebuilder on Windows 8
IMPORTANT: The following instructions are for "Legacy" customers (generally older accounts that were opened before the release of "SiteBuilder Plus". If you have started/created a site Using SiteBuilder Plus, there will be elements in your site which ARE NOT backwards compatible with the older deskt
Sitebuilder Plus
Change Account Settings in Outlook 2019
To change the email settings for an account you've already set up in Outlook, first launch Outlook. Click File in the top left corner:If you have multiple emails set up in Outlook, choose that account from the drop down menu at the top. Click on Account Settings > Server
Email Support
Sitebuilder Plus: Link an Image to Another Page
Here are instructions to link an image on your website to another page.Click Websites Managerin the left navigation menu. Then, click on the Edit Site. Go to the page with the image you want to link.Click on the image so it's highlighted.With the image highlighted, on the right in Image Settings cli
Sitebuilder Plus
Sitebuilder Plus: Facebook Like Button
Here are instructions to get the Facebook like button on your website.Grab the HTML code from FacebookGo to this website: out "Step 1 - Get Like Button Code" to customize your like button. Note: Use your Facebook URL for URL to Like.. Then, click Get Code
HTML snippets
Sitebuilder Plus: Evenly Space Text
First place the first two boxes on the page so that they have the desired spacing, then look at the "position & size" fields like shown below. Look at the "Top" position on both elements, and increase the number of pixels by the same number for additional elements you place on the page.
Sitebuilder Plus
Sitebuilder Plus: Delete a Category in SimpleStore
Here's how you delete a category in SimpleStore:Added SimpleStore prior to 5/15/12 or using PayPal for checkoutClick Ecommerce in the left navigation menuClick Add or edit productsClick Categories and choose the category you no longer want.Click Delete this category next to the Save button.Click OK
Sitebuilder Plus: Delete Attributes in SimpleStore
At this time, there isn't a way to delete attributes. However, you can opt to not use the attribute you created by making sure it isn't checked with any products.Added SimpleStore prior to 5/15/12 or using PayPal for checkoutClick Ecommerce in the left navigation menuClick Add or edit productsChoose
Sitebuilder Plus: Change Text Link Color
Here are some instructions to change the color of text links:Click Websites Manager link in the left navigation menu. Then, click Edit Site.Click Page Settings in the top toolbar and go to the Background, Links, Footer section. Change the Link Style.Save and Publish your website to see the link colo
Sitebuilder Plus
Sitebuilder Plus: Add a Table
Tables can be a useful tool to create uniform sets of content on your site. They are now built in to Sitebuilder Plus. You can add a table from Insert > TextHover your mouse over text until the menu pops out.The table will be placed on the stage. You may move it around and resize it.In the proper
Sitebuilder Plus
Sitebuilder Plus: Add a Pinterest Widget
Note: We want to provide a few common and useful snippets for your use, but our support department is not able to assist you with editing code. They can help you with code placement.First you need to upload and publish the image in Sitebuilder so that you have the image URL.Second go to Pinterest's
HTML snippets
Sitebuilder Plus: Add PayPal Buttons
Here are instructions to set up PayPal and add the buttons to your website. Click Websites Manager on the left, then click Edit Site to go to the editor.In the SiteBuilder toolbar, click Insert.Click More on the right, then click PayPal Button. Note: This button isn't available if you already have S
Payments Support
Sitebuilder Plus: Add Items in Simplestore
Here's how you add products to SimpleStore.Added SimpleStore prior to 5/15/12 or using PayPal for checkoutClick Ecommerce in the left navigation menuClick Add or edit productsClick + Add new next to the Products categoryEnter the product name in the Product Name field. SKU or ID isn't required. Clic
Sitebuilder Plus: Add an Image
Follow these steps to add images to your website:Click Websites Manager in the left navigation menu. Then, click Edit Site.Click Insert in the top toolbar and select Image from the drop-down menu.Choose an image. You can eitherUpload from my computer to find an image from your computer.Search from i
Sitebuilder Plus