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Tuesday, July 16th, 2019 8:29 PM

Sitebuilder Plus: Add a Pinterest Widget

Sitebuilder Plus: Add a Pinterest Widget
Note: We want to provide a few common and useful snippets for your use, but our support department is not able to assist you with editing code. They can help you with code placement.
First you need to upload and publish the image in Sitebuilder so that you have the image URL.

Second go to Pinterest's widget builder to create the widget. 

Where it asks for the URL, just copy and paste the web
address from the live page containing your photo gallery. Where it asks for the Image URL, just right click on the image from the live site and copy the image url. (depending on your browser it may say "copy image location". 

Once you build it, copy the code at the bottom of the widget page and then paste it into an HTML box in Sitebuilder. You can find out how to add HTML by viewing this topic.
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