4 Messages


90 Points

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024 3:56 PM



Is anyone doing anything to address this issue?  Others have reported the same problem on their website.  Saving and republishing does nothing.  Our website has had this issue for over a week now.  No response from Homestead at all.  This is more than just an inconvenience; this is someone's business that is being affected.  

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Strange Characters on Websites

1.9K Messages


19.3K Points

7 months ago

This problem is common for the last few months. I wish Homestead/web.com would post a solution. One customer claimed that eliminating punctuation between letters solved his problem.

This problem has been reported by many Homestead customers. So far, Homestead support hasn't posted a solution on the community. Calling support has been criticized by some community members. Perhaps if we continue hounding them, they'll produce a solution.

Have you tried building a new page. Do you get the same results when publishing a new page?

236 Messages


2.1K Points

7 months ago

And just like that, the Russell we know and love is back. Come one Russ...check ALL those other posts! Call cust support yourself. That is a total WASTE of time. Just like sitting here and all of us typing in about the problem. Where is their incentive to fix anything? Good luck my man. Greg

18 Messages


420 Points

7 months ago

Post here AND call Homestead to let them know! 

Homestead can just ignore posts in this forum, which they obviously are ignoring! 

Someone said that Homestead will offer a 25% discount on our next 3 months of fees, if we all request similar compensation it may cause homestead to pay attention! 

or if we all call homestead maybe homestead will respond?   


800.710 1998 or 800 986 0958  or 1 888 412 9962 

236 Messages


2.1K Points

Thank you for that Sandra. I hope everyone does just that. I hope the tech number is swamped. I also hope the fix the problem. But since you have been following the problem, you are aware of most doing just what you suggested.

I am a pessimist. I have opinions about this problem, and I don[t think they will fix it. I hope I am wrong. Let me know how your suggestion works, because I am 100% behind it. But I don't know what the rest of you pay per year, but I pay less than $100 - or just over $9 a month. My "25% discount" on 3 months fees is less than $3! You really think that me and others like me, will bankrupt them.!!??  I still say web.com is behind this so they can force others to them - or have an excuse to shutter homestead. HS went to hell right after they were bought, and is still in a downward spiral.  Only my thoughts, I express no opinions for others, I leave that to them. Best of luck in your endeavor. I wish you well, Greg

18 Messages


420 Points

I agree with you, I think Homestead deteriorated when Intuit bought them.   

Now I see web.com on the Homestead login page.   

We all need to vent our frustration to Homestead themselves though...here on the forum, our frustrations can easily be ignored. 

16 Messages


286 Points

7 months ago

I have phoned homestead twice from Australia with no joy received. I

236 Messages


2.1K Points

7 months ago

Sandra, let the rest of us know how that venting is going please? I think everyone here (and please note how FEW of us there really are) has made the requisite calls to HS only to be told the two pat answers: reedit the pages to remove spaces (that can't really be done - ask me why in another thread) or redo the pages on the new platform. Guess what?

One day, I was told at the end of the call, to stay on the line and I could (for free!) speak to someone who could help me improve my website!!

The lady that answered was with...guess who....web.com!! She kindly told me the fees for a few pages and I could sell up to 10 items. Seems to me it was over $2000 and much more $$$ for more pages and more products. I got the idea one could tie up BIG BUCKS!!

I have stated before, in numerous posts on this forum, THEY DON'T CARE!!! The low numbers of us complaining should tell you something. Are there thousands on here bitching? How about "hundreds?" How about 100? No! I count a minimal number of users who really care, and they are probably ones, like me who have been on here forever, with tons of pages, and can't really change easily. I repeat, we are screwed! THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT US! We are not driving their income stream. The people paying them much more than me (or maybe even many of you ) per year with minimal page are who they are existing for.

You have no idea, over the years, how many HS tech support reps comment about "how many pages" I have. There must be more than me, and now the new landlords are trying to evict us. I wish I could paint a brighter picture for all of us......but I can't. Can you?? Greg

18 Messages


420 Points

7 months ago

I have called Homestead support twice now in recent days with no real resolution. 

I wasn't offered a discount like some callers have been offered, but then again I was polite to the representative that I was speaking to.    

I've been with Homestead since about 2000 I think.   

Our loyalty isn't being recognized or rewarded.  

We are all trapped with hundreds of webpages made by Homestead's proprietary site builder that can't easily be migrated or copied or uploaded to other host servers.    

16 Messages


286 Points

@sandra1253​ exactly the same as me. Two phone calls from Australia and no resolution 

236 Messages


2.1K Points

7 months ago

Sandra, you are late to the party (note there are only about 20 on here griping) but you have finally arrived. I am no "poet laureate" but in the last week, I have noted many things about this problem, and suffered with the other sufferers. While we may commiserate each other, I don't believe we will see a successful resolution to this problem.

You appear to have been with them almost as long as I have. How many pages/sites are you managing? Share some links with us, before those pages disappear and let us enjoy your site. If you are like me, and think you have done a good job, you hate to see it all for naught. But, we may see that. Thanks for writing, and joining our "tribe." Greg

236 Messages


2.1K Points

Sandra, I forgot,, my main site is www.candgcoins.com  

1.9K Messages


19.3K Points

@greg1410www.candgcoins.com looks ok to me, except for the upper left corner on the home page.

236 Messages


2.1K Points

Yep, that is the home page I edited a day or so ago....not that many A's. I can;t  get that google thing to disappear! It is under the blue header, but still shows on the left. they must have some code to position it. May I should create a white box and cover it! Good idea! When you are on that home page, click some of the links to see what I am up against. I am 77 - I won't live long enough to fix all that. If they can't/won;;t fix it (and I am certain they won't) I will have to delete them or dumb them down.

I already have created a reasonable header, left and right panel, and lower address/info block template like that home page. I will copy and paste them onto the messed up pages, but that only makes the page look good.

The commerce info and buy buttons;pricing...that is all useless.

I will only make money on the following pages in the next 4 months.

Check them out and see what you think please: Thanks.

here is the home page you saw.

a link on it on the left side, under Other marked Christmas Ornaments - click on it.

goes to a page with a Plain one and an Enameled one. Click one to view and find a couple of errors. then the other one with a couple of errors.

I was too lazy to "ungroup" some of the page, remove all the bad spaces, then regroup and publish page. People will have to live with the occasional A !! Best I can do after hours of work. Should get me by.

Thanks again for participating in this foolishness. It appears to me, someone deleted some postings/feeds from the last few days. That can;t be good if true!! Greg

1.9K Messages


19.3K Points

@greg1410​ Thanks for responding, Greg! I too am 77. I hope you have many good years ahead of you. If you installed the google html using page settings, it won't show up. You may have installed it using the page editor under html settings. I suggest you copy the html and reinstall it using the page settings html settings option. Let me know how that works for you.

I see a few of these A's. How did you get rid of the others?

* *  Older Ornaments * *
to fill those "holes" in your Christmas stockings still around!

236 Messages


2.1K Points

The same way I will get rid of the one you just pointed out (thanks I missed that one, I will edit the text box, remove the space between the asterisk, and the word Older, and leave no space.

But I bet if I put a space in (which is why I think an A is showing up) the A will appear.

There is often no reason for the A. In some places it is in a space, in others there are 4 or 6 spaces and - NO A.

Go here please, and tell me how long you think it will take me to edit this page as just one example of my page.


or here


Lucky for me, I am going out of business. But I pity someone like me with that many bad pages.

Thanks for looking, Greg (You know I am not being that hard on you, right!?)

1.9K Messages


19.3K Points

7 months ago

This problem is common for the last few months. IHomestead/web.com hasn't posted a solution. Try this and let us know if it works for you.

Edit the text box, remove excess spaces between letters and words, leaving no unnecessary punctuation.

7 Messages


204 Points

It works where I had 2 spaces, but it is inserted in others with no rhyme or reason I can discern.  And when I do remove the extra space between the period and the next sentence - the next time I refresh it is right back!