3 Messages


80 Points

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 5:23 PM


rendering spaces

Homestead site builder plus shows fine in Preview mode, but has started adding spurious  on live site after publication. This is on Votewell.net. Similar on Globe1234.org


This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Strange Characters on Websites

1.7K Messages


17.5K Points

21 days ago

There has been a problem with weird text lettering for the last few months. We're waiting for Homestead/web.com to post a solution. One customer claimed that eliminating punctuation between letters solved his problem. Homestead/web.com hasn't posted a solution. Try this and let us know if it works for you.
"Edit the text box, remove excess spaces between letters and words, leaving no unnecessary punctuation."

You can SSL your Sitebuilder Plus website by following this article:
Can I Secure My Homestead Website With HTTPS?

8.27.24: greg1410 has offered this solution: "
Edit the text box, remove excess space between letters, and the words, and leave no space.