677 Messages
44.6K Points
Account: Email Password Requirements

Account Security is critical for everyone that uses email. When an email account is hacked and used to send spam - it can impact every customer that uses email. When our servers are blocked for sending spam - customers can't send critical emails.
Passwords must be 8-14 characters in length with at least 1 upper-case and 1 lower-case letter. No spaces or symbols other than !@#$%^&*(){}[] are allowed.
Here's how to make sure you're not part of the problem:
Passwords must be 8-14 characters in length with at least 1 upper-case and 1 lower-case letter. No spaces or symbols other than !@#$%^&*(){}[] are allowed.
Here's how to make sure you're not part of the problem:
- Increase the strength of your password.
- Include at least one capital letter. Ex. homesteaD.
- Include a character. Ex. homesteaD!. Only the following characters are allowed: !@#$%^&*(){}[]
- Include a number. Ex. 55homesteaD!
- Increase the length of your password. Include at least 8 characters in your password to increase security.
- Don't use obvious words.
- Don't use the same password from other personal accounts. Using the same password for every log in you have can make you vulnerable if someone was to figure out your code. Feel free to keep it similar, but change it enough so if you were to get hacked, you can limit the damage.
- Update your password every 6 months. Although updating your password every 6 months can be a frustrating task, it is a sure way to guarantee some level of safety for all of your accounts.
3 Messages
200 Points
5 years ago
I received notice that my email address has been compromised and to change my password. How do you change your password when you are not able to log in due to the SPAM?