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Hello, Could you explain what you mean by "a different looking mobile gallery"? I will see if I can assist. 

Why are there people answering the phone who know less than me about the software??

I was having trouble with a "mobile view" gallery and called to find out where/how to create a different looking mobile gallery. I was told I couldn't do that.  I know I can, just forgot how.  I asked the guy "Phil"  ha ha ha-not his real name -- how come he didn't know this.  H


Brand User

Hello, I can confirm that the site is working and showing secure, now. 

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internet states my sight is not secure

i paid for my website, but it won't view when i type it on my commputer. an error message comes up stating this sight is not secure


Brand User

Hello, Once you purchased the additional storage, did you apply it to a specific mailbox?

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Email storage

I upgraded my email storage but I'm still at 84% full. When does then storage change ?


Brand User

Hello, You can absolutely build your website in our newer editor, WebsiteBuilder. You simply need to create a new site in your account. It will automatically be upgraded to the newer one. Once you're done rebuilding your site, you'll be able to move

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Is there a way to upgrade to the modern builder?

I built my website some time back and now Id like to optimize it for mobile, but it seems the older builder doesn't even have the option for mobile view. What are my options?


Brand User

Hello, In the store/product editor, there are these lines at the front of each category. Click and drag to move a category.   

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Order of Categories

In editing, how can I change order of categories list? Can't find on Google Search.


Brand User
Brand User

Hello, Our engineers are aware of and working on the issue. There is currently no ETA, but we will get this resolved as quickly as possible. 

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cant edit site at all

cant edit site at all, called in for help and was told someone would call me at 3pm on friday to advise on how the homestead software has changed, no one called and can do nothing this weekend when I log in.


Brand User

Hello, Earlier this year, there was a change in status of your account due to a payment issue. Once that was corrected, it seems like there was an issue with our system turning auto-renew back on for your domains. I have manually turned this back on

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All of my websites are down after so many years saying my domain has expired. I thought my domain automatically renewed as long as I kept paying you. So I need this fixed as I am missing all of my business emails.


Brand User

Hello, Our engineers are aware of and working on the issue. There is currently no ETA, but we will get this resolved as quickly as possible. 

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Updating website

I'm trying to update my site and I keep receiving this error message, "This site has changed since you started working in SiteBuilder Plus. To prevent unintended changes to your website, we need to close SiteBuilder and return you to your Homestead home page," and it kicks me out of sitebu


Site Spotlight - Can you provide a description of your business?The site is for my wife’s Tennis Camp and Instruction business.How did you get started in this business?Patty, my wife, has been in the tennis business for 30+ years. She worked at a nice golf and tennis resort here in




Brand User

Hello, I'm currently unable to replicate this issue. Is this something you're still experiencing?

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Can't log in, "Connection Timed Out"

12:50 AM EST roughly, ability to publish stopped and ability to log in stopped. It's now 1:14 AM.


Brand User

Hello, It looks like the auto-renew was turned off for your domain, so it expired. It is still available to register, so you'll just need to log into your account to do that. 

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Website won’t come up.

I pay $30 a month to keep this website active and it won’t come up. Please check it out and tell me why.


Brand User

Hello, There was a ticket already in place to resolve this issue and it was fixed overnight. Please let me know if you continue to see this issue. 

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Font messed up on my website

My website looks fine when i work on it and publish it, but the live version has a bunch of random symbols and text all over my pages. I have republished it multiple times and it is still unusable/readable. Please advise


Brand User

Hello, I have already reported this and we'll work on getting the login link fixed. In the meantime, here is the direct link:

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How do I access my website through

I am trying login to to edit my website but I am directed to does not recognize my login information. How do I access what I built through


Brand User

Hello, What happens when you try to log into your account? We don't have any known issues with Homestead accounts.

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My account

I need to get into my account to verify and print off some things for my business. It has not been accessible for several weeks. Any idea when the link to access My Account will be accessible again?


Brand User

Hello, Only websites built in the older editor, Sitebuilder Plus, can be transferred. 

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I want to transfer the ownership of a website to another Homestead account

I know it can be done, but it's been awhile and I am not finding what I am looking for in tools. Has anyone here done that lately?  Or do I have to talk to the (cough cough) customer service people to do that?


Brand User

Hello, Your website is working on my laptop just fine. What do you see when you try to visit your site?

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Website not loading on laptops

My website it not loading on laptops using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, but will load on a smartphone. What gives?


Brand User

Unfortunately, websites cannot be transferred outside of your Homestead account. The site would need to be rebuilt if you were to move it elsewhere.

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Once Again Homestead Lacks Capability to Serve its Customers

Here we go again with technical problems - unable to edit our websites. Homestead continues to take our monthly charges but doesn't continue to keep up on what is needed to provide the service we are paying for. Homestead is proving to be a very disappointing website host.


Brand User

Hello, Yes, we are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. 

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Needs to be fixed NOW

I can not edit my website. I run a Holiday website, we have major changes to our business and I can not let people know. This is HUGE. It will make or break us. You need to be working around the clock to get this issue resolved. Please do not make major changes on how the platform works, keep it the


Brand User

Yeah, our newer editor does have Save History, but that wasn't a feature available with Sitebuilder Plus.

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can elyzabethv help us.

I've noticed your one of the many helpful long timers that have done so much for so many on this platform.Not sure if your just a great person and or a valued homestead representative, The latest concerns are getting us back in business of editing our websites.Could you or are you able to give follo
