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44.6K Points

Monday, October 22nd, 2012 5:10 PM

Account: Change Site Association

Account: Change Site Association

Here's how you can associate your domain with another website on your account.

    1. Click the "Domains" link in the left navigation menu.

    2. Scroll down until you see your domain name and click Change Site Association.

    3. Choose the website you'd like your domain name to point to using the drop-down menu.

    4. Click Save to confirm the change.
      It may take some time for this change to reflect.

      **If the site you are switching to is built using WebsiteBuilder**
    5. Click Websites Manager, choose the site you are working with, click Edit Site, and Publish.

*IF YOU GET A 404 ERROR on your published site, please follow the instructions in this article to fix this:
Fixing the WebsiteBuilder 404 Error

Hope that helps!

For a video walkthrough of these instructions:

2 Messages


132 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Domain Help.

I registered another domain name but it attached to my active website. The domain name is for a new website. How do I unconnect the domain name?

3 Messages


166 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled

I have 2 different domains, one is up and ready, the other one I still need to build, but when I enter the second domain, it goes to the first completed website page. how can I separate the two, so I can start working on the second website? thank you in advance

17 Messages


656 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
New domain and website help.

I currently have a website on homestead, but I want to create additional websites for my other business ventures. I have already created domains, but homestead associated them with my existing website, which I don't to do. I'm not ready to setup the other websites as of yet, so what do I do? Thanks!

6 Messages


242 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Can I add a domain to my current website?.

Can I direct to domains to one website? I would like to include my new business as an extension of my current business and have different links within one website for each. Can I do this?

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Yes. If your account currently has just a single site, when you register the domain, it will automatically associate itself with the existing site.  If your account has multiple websites and you register the new domain, you can designate which site you which for it to be associated with by following the steps above.  If you need help, just tell us the domain name and site name and  we can do this for you.


2 Messages


132 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
I purchased an additional domain name for a new site. But the second name is pointing to the first site. Help?.

domain problem

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Hi fcoleman571296,   This page shows how you can re-associate the domains in your account when you have multiple sites and domains.


8 Messages


274 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Changing domains.

I recently upgraded my account in order to upgrade my website so I could work on my new one while my old site is still operating. I am currently editing my new site and soon I will need to publish it with the domain of my old website. Can you please instruct me how I can do this?

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

Good morning Terry0083,

Once you finish the new site, publish it, and then follow these steps.  Once you change the site association it can take up to 30 minutes to switch.



11 Messages


316 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
when can i start building my site.

Just registered a domain name through Homestead and wondering when/how can i start building my site?

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

It looks like you associated it with an older site.  Follow these instructions to move it to the site you are building.  It will probably be the one with the in websites manager.


11 Messages


316 Points

The new domain isn't in any of the drop down boxes. I'm not understanding this at all.

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

Go to the domains tab.  Find the domain and change the site association to the correct site as described above.  Once done, it can take up to 30 minutes to show in the websites manager, but there should be a site in websites manager that is in this format ????  If you have already created a site folder then you should see that, until the new domain takes over.

If you still have a problem, tell me which is the new domain and what site it should point to.


11 Messages


316 Points

The new domain is: It shows in the "domains" tab, but doesn't show in websites manager or any other drop boxes.

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

It won't be in the websites manager list yet.  It is associated currently with  You have a 3rd site created that should show in the websites manager as  It appears to be empty, so you can change the name and use the above instructions, or you can create a new website, give it a temporary name and then use the above instructions to change the domain association.


11 Messages


262 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Help! Additional website points to first website when they should be two separate sites.


We bought a new domain recently as a separate entity to our current site.

The new website is to be a standalone site, but we notice that it points to the domain of the old site.

Could you tell us how to ensure it is seen as a separate site please. (hope this makes sense!)

Thank you :)

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Sibilla4274,  This page shows how to associate the new domain with a different site. However looking at your account, I only see one domain and one site.  Do you have another account? 

11 Messages


262 Points

Hello Mike!

We want to set up another website with another domain name, but it would be paid all through the same credit card.

So, do we need to really actually set up a separate account?

Best wishes,

Sibilla Schleicher

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Most of the time it's less expensive to add them to the existing account rather than open a new account.  There would be a few small upgrades you'll need though.

Monthly Upgrades
Additional Domain: $2
Extra Site: $2
Extra pages (per 10): $2

Your existing plan gives you 5 pages so with the 10 page upgrade you'll have a total of 15 pages that you can use between both sites.  If you need more than 10 pages, or extra disk space, then you may want to move to the Gold plan. If the new site will be smaller, then I would recommend the upgrades above.


11 Messages


262 Points

That's great Mike, thank you for your advice.
We already had the one website - allpetsvetcare and wanted to add coastandcpd-uk as a new and separate site.
Now when we log on, we see coastandcpd-uk as the site name and if we want to change anything the allpetsvetcare site comes up. We're very confused!
We bought:
Prorated packagefee - additional domain and set up fee - additional domain.
Any idea on how we can resolve this, so we have the 2 separate sites, each being updated autonomously from each other?

Thank you :)

782 Messages


184.8K Points

You'll need to add the upgrades mentioned above before it will give you the functionality you are looking for.  Also, I see that there is some confusion.  There is a difference between a site and site name vs. a domain name.

You currently have a site named "allpetsvetcare" and you have a domain name of "".

After you add the upgrades above then you'll need to do the following steps:

How can I start another website?

How can I switch my domain to a new site I built?

Then if you need a domain for your original site you can register a domain for that site too.

How do I register a domain?

Just reply here if you would like me to add the upgrades.


9 Messages


344 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Newly published site still contains old site name..

I have just updated and built a new site. I want this to be one of the two main sites. is fine; I built a new site and own the domain This was done and then published the other day. I then went in and told it to point all of my other domain names, except for to this new site. However, when I go back in now, it is still only pulling in the site to work on and I want this one to disappear and be as well. is the one I want to be on top! I am sure I am saying this wrong, but i have created the site, published it, done all the pointing, cleared the cache, etc. and still it goes to

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

Hi marshaross2289,

What you are describing is site association. I am not sure which domains should go to which of your 3 sites. Once you change association, it can take up to 30 minutes to reflect the change.


9 Messages


344 Points

Morning!  Thank you for the prompt response.  Site association is one of the few things I do understand.  However, that is not what has happened, or maybe it has and I cannot fix it on my end for some reason.  Maybe this will help.

1.  I built the site and published it.  I then pointed/associated all of my other domain names to this site (except the which is good to go).

2.  I went into my domains and edited  It was forever in my editing drop down box as AustinRossRealEstate/ or however it reads before you publish it.  I built this site to be different than which was still in the edit drop down as well.

3.  I finalized building and published it. 

4.  I pointed/associated all of the sites (except to  That was at least 4 days ago. 

5.  I went in to edit and it is no longer in the drop down box.  Only is there and one other that I had never even edited before or requested to edit (to my recollection). now has all of the changes I made to contained in it.  I am presuming because that is where it is "pointing," but I want to work only on the site from here on out.

The reason I went in and built was to enable it to be the front runner in the searches.  I did not want it hidden behind the RossRealtyServices site.

How do I bring AustinRossRealEstate to the front?  Where did it go?  I want it to be the main site now, for example, when I edit, I see at the top right corner of the screen. 

I cleared my cache as I had read to do, but it did not do any good.  I just went in and tried to point to itself, but RossRealtyServices is not even a choice in the drop down box.

Does make more sense?


1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

You have 3 different websites. The middle one in the list has several domains attached to it. Only 1 domain didplays in the drop down per website. When you edit you are editing,, and because they are all associated to the same site.

9 Messages


344 Points

That is where the problem lies.  I want only to be the main site that I build (built already) and everything else to point to that site.  I no longer want rossrealtyservices to be on the top.  The rossrealestatetexas has never even been touched, only austinrossrealestate and rossrealtyservices.  Maybe it would be easier to talk on the phone?  512.797.3903

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

I'm sorry, if you wish to speak with someone then you will need to call support. I can tell you that when you when you have multiple domains associated with one website, only 1 of those domains will display in the drop down. Typically it is the first one that was associated to the site. We have no way to change this. If you aren't using or don't want any of those domains, you can delete them. They will expire eventually and someone else can register them.

rossrealestatetexas is,, and When you edit one you edit all.

8 Messages


436 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled New site needs old sites name..

I just built a new website for my farm and want to delete the old site and replace it with this one using the same domain name (

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

10 years ago

Hi Mary3106,

You can follow these instructions to change the site association. It can take up to 30 minutes after you switch


2 Messages


50 Points

9 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled change site association.

I have an existing website that I would like to point my domain to

129 Messages


18.9K Points


Please see the above article for changing the site association.  

4 Messages


184 Points

9 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled "This domain is already associated with a website account".

I already got the domain in Homestead but it is pointing to another site of mine. How do I do to make it "point" to itself, to be a domain in itself?

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points


You can change the domain association by following these instructions. If you get stuck, let us know.

3 Messages


190 Points

9 years ago

Dear Homestead,

I have website name :
and i would like to change the site name to : 

Please advise how i can do so.

I would appreciate if you can give me a call regarding this matter.
I am from Malaysia. Contact Details : +6017.389 3196 

Look forward to hear from you.

Thank you
Richard Ng

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

It is not possible to change a domain name. You can delete your current domain and register a new one. This process will break all existing links to your site and require that your site start over in search engine results. It is better to add the second domain and only advertize the new name. Overtime it will achieve a higher ranking, then you can remove the old domain. This process can take a long time.

3 Messages


172 Points

9 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled How do I stop the link between the 2 sites domain/websites.

I have a website/domain named I have another one name Somehow they are linked. I wanted them seperated. I want CarrieReichartz with the site I already have. I want to make today fresh. How do I stop the link between the 2 sites.

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

Follow the instructions above. It will take about 30 minutes once you switch it.