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Monday, August 19th, 2019 11:48 PM

WebsiteBuilder: SSL

WebsiteBuilder: SSL

To activate the SSL for a domain that is registered with Homestead and connected to a WebsiteBuilder site, follow these steps. 

1. Go to and enter your domain name. 

2. Select submit. The next screen will provide an IP address to point to. Copy the IP. 

In a separate tab, log into your Homestead account. Select the domains tab and under the domain select advanced DNS settings. 

4. Select Edit

5. Point the @ and www to the given IP and check the box to delete the * record, then select submit. 

Select submit again


Log into your domain provider account and add the @ and www A record in that system.

6. After submitting wait 5-10 minutes.
Go back to the first tab that you opened in and select next. You will see the message pop up stating DNS settings made are correct your certificate will be provisioned soon. Click OK.  

If you see the message stating the changes are incorrect, click OK and allow more time. 


You have set up the SSL for your WebsiteBuilder site! Allow some time for the SSL to appear. 

5 Messages


220 Points

4 years ago

Like others, I am getting this comment when I enter my

Domain cant be verified as it doesn't exist on builder

What do I need to do?

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points


This message is being presented because there is no domain associated with this website. This URL you have entered is only a site URL, to secure the website there will need to be a domain registered and attached to the site. 

5 Messages


220 Points

I'm not sure what "domain" means. Can you explain? I thought a domain was the website.

5 Messages


220 Points

On another website we use convert to SSL without any such requirements.

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

A domain is a registered web address like or Here are instructions on registering a domain to the account.

If you utilize Homestead's newest editor, WebsiteBuilder, an SSL can and will be applied to the site URL without having to use a domain. Unfortunately, for Sitebuilder plus sites, we cannot secure the URL without a domain. 

2 Messages


70 Points

4 years ago

I went through the changes back when Cloudflare option became available.  When I go into the Domain Manager I get this message:

Sorry, you cannot edit your advanced DNS settings for this domain because you have altered your default nameservers. If you wish to edit your advanced DNS settings, please reset your nameservers to the default Homestead nameservers first.

Not sure what to do now (



Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points


This domain is pointing to Cloudflare for the SSL, to make changes to the DNS settings these will need to be updated by logging into the Cloudflare account.

2 Messages


70 Points

Thanks, now I have to go figure out that portion

55 Messages


766 Points

3 years ago

l - wow appreciate the quick response! - i think i did it :O)

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

Perfect, it will take a little time to show but it should be good. If you don't see it in 24 hrs send me the domain and I can check it. 

11 Messages


190 Points

3 years ago

when I go to it does not let me key in my domain

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points


Apologies, it works on my end. What domain are you trying to activate the SSL for?

11 Messages


190 Points

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

This domain will not use the WB SSL, it will require using 
Cloudflare. Here are the instructions.

11 Messages


190 Points

so I will have to pay $20 monthly for it?

11 Messages


190 Points

can I have a good phone # to talk to someone that can help me?   I am following the steps to restart it and is not letting me use my own domain, why do I need to create another one since I had been using the same one for more than ten years and why am I paying extra?  When I do restart, the system is asking me to pick a different domain and pay $2 extra, sorry but I don't understand what I'm supposed to do, I need someone to help me

3 Messages


90 Points

3 years ago

How do I get my website secured with the free SSL that was built several years ago when it was offered by Intuit before Homestead?

I got the following message when I tried to secure.

Domain cant be verified as it doesn't exist on builder

Thank you.

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

This domain will not use the WB SSL, it will require using the free
Cloudflare ssl. Here are the instructions.

11 Messages


190 Points

Thanks for your help but I was never able to fix the problem, I will have to cancel my subscription, and get a website with someone else.

6 Messages


182 Points

3 years ago

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 Message


60 Points

3 years ago

I have followed the instructions for the SSL and all went fine from what I can tell for ""  It's been 1 month with no change. Can someone check what may be wrong?  Thank you.  Myrto

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points



To be thorough, I have activated the SSL once more to see if it takes. If not I will get this escalated to be applied.

4 Messages


100 Points

3 years ago

How about Homestead fixes my website for me to activate the SSL?

I was told by your tech support that I need to set up a cloudflare account. This is apparently contradicted by the directions above which do not even mention Cloudflare. Why doesn´t Homestead just automatically set up SSL for everyone instead of making customers jump through complicated and ambiguous hoops? Your service is supposed to be easy to use.  If the SSL service is free, why not just make it automatic?

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points



This website will need to be secured using Cloudflare for the SSL. We do offer the free automatic SSL, however, this is only for websites built in the new builder, Websitebuilder. Here are the instructions to activate the Cloudflare SSL.

2 Messages


80 Points

3 years ago

I have had a Homestead website for several years but when I follow the steps above I get the following message after submitting my domain name "Domain can't be verified as it doesn't exist on builder".  How do I get a security certificate for my site.

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points


The tool you are trying to use is for WebsiteBuilder sites only. To secure a Sitebuilder plus site you'll need to use Cloudflare and these instructions.

21 Messages


580 Points

2 years ago

I have sitebuilder plus. How do I set it up for that? I'm very confused.


Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

For Sitebuilder Plus, here are the instructions:


Can I Secure My Homestead Website With HTTPS? | Homestead Community

4 Messages


100 Points

2 years ago

-5. Point the @ and www to the given IP and check the box to delete the * record, then select submit. 

What does this mean? This a really poorly written instruction. When entering DNS information you need to be very precise and exact. This instruction is incomprehensible!

I was able to follow very clear and easy to follow instructions for this on WIX yesterday.  

It appears that there is zero chat, phone or email support on homestead...? Really?

Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

You should have 3 A records that are already applied to your domain. One is "@", one is "www", and one is "*". You will need to update the IP address associated with the @ and www records and check the box next to the * record to delete it. 

Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

If you need help, you can call 1-800-710-1998

11 Messages


438 Points

2 years ago

I did all of this.  Now my new site works and my mobile site works BUT, people are reporting to me that when they email me it is bouncing back to them.  Please respond ASAP as this affects my business!

Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points


Can you provide a copy of the bounceback? I see no reason for this email to not work on our end. 

11 Messages


438 Points

How would I provide a copy of the bounceback for an email message that I am NOT receiving.  

103 Messages


3.3K Points

2 years ago

OK, we had to hire an IT to secure our web site. All went well after a FEW DAYS of very little response from any help from HOMESTEAD. Now that we are secure we "CAN NOT ACCESS OUR WEB SITE" to add or make changes that are paramount in running our business. The site builder plus wants us to create a whole new web site!!


Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

I'm sorry, but I cannot see what issue you're experiencing. Your website is working for me and pulling up secure. Your editor loads without issue. What are you clicking on exactly that you're being told to create a new site?

5 Messages


200 Points

2 years ago

My dumb ass used the Site Builder Plus instructions instead of these. Can you see what I need to correct this?  Thanks in advance!!

Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

No worries! Just reset the nameservers back to the default (this is an option that you should have once you click Edit for your nameservers. Then, follow these instructions. 

5 Messages


200 Points

I reset the nameservers and waited a couple of days. When I go to Homestead WebsiteBuilder SSL ( I get

Domain cant be verified as it doesn't exist on builder

Please help. Thanks!

Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

Ok, I've reset the domain on my end. Can you try it again?

5 Messages


200 Points

It works! Thank you so much for your help!!

1 Message


60 Points

2 years ago

I just tried to secure my account but received a message

Domain cant be verified as it doesn't exist on builder

Can you help?

Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points


Your website is not on WebsiteBuilder, so these instructions wouldn't work for you. Please follow these instructions to secure your website:


‎Can I Secure My Homestead Website With HTTPS? | Homestead Community