677 Messages
44.6K Points
Sitebuilder Plus: Fixing The 404 Error Page

The SiteError404 page is a default page in your account for instances where there is a broken link on your website.
Important: It is not counted in your total page count if you're on a package that only allows limited pages.
If a visitor types a page name incorrectly or clicks a link to a page that no longer exists, they'd see the error page instead. When you are viewing your published site and click on a link that takes you to the SiteError404 page, you have a broken link.
Is your home page named 'Index'?
Index is the universal page name used by the World Wide Web to distinguish a domain's home page. If you try to go to your domain name and get a site404error message, chances are you renamed your home page to something like 'home.html.'
To rename the home page Index follow the steps to rename home page Index.
Do you have a broken link?
If you are clicking around your website and you get the siteerror404 page, chances are you have a broken link. To fix a broken link:
Hope that helps!
Important: It is not counted in your total page count if you're on a package that only allows limited pages.
If a visitor types a page name incorrectly or clicks a link to a page that no longer exists, they'd see the error page instead. When you are viewing your published site and click on a link that takes you to the SiteError404 page, you have a broken link.
Is your home page named 'Index'?
Index is the universal page name used by the World Wide Web to distinguish a domain's home page. If you try to go to your domain name and get a site404error message, chances are you renamed your home page to something like 'home.html.'
To rename the home page Index follow the steps to rename home page Index.
Do you have a broken link?
If you are clicking around your website and you get the siteerror404 page, chances are you have a broken link. To fix a broken link:
- Login to your website account.
- Click Websites Manager in the left navigation menu. Then, click Edit Site
- Click the navigation menu so it's highlighted.
- On the right, in the Site Navigation Menu Settings, click the Links tab. Select the page that caused the siteerror404 and click Edit Link.
- When the smaller window opens, click Browse and find the correct page for that link.
- Click OK. Then, Save and Publish.
- Check your live website to make sure your links connect to the right pages.
Hope that helps!
677 Messages
44.6K Points
12 years ago
Important: It is not counted in your total page count if you're on a package that only allows limited pages.
If a visitor types a page name incorrectly or clicks a link to a page that no longer exists, they'd see the error page instead. When you are viewing your published site and click on a link that takes you to the SiteError404 page, you have a broken link.
Is your home page named 'Index'?
Index is the universal page name used by the World Wide Web to distinguish a domain's home page. If you try to go to your domain name and get a site404error message, chances are you renamed your home page to something like 'home.html.'
To rename the home page Index follow the steps to rename home page Index.
Do you have a broken link?
If you are clicking around your website and you get the siteerror404 page, chances are you have a broken link. To fix a broken link:
Hope that helps!
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11 Messages
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Please assist. Am I missing another step?
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t exist. I have tried to fix it about 100 times and the same thing. This is a new issue and is causing my company a loss of revenue. I need to get this fixed!
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1 year ago
Hello, we have tried every trick that is recommended by the help articles but the website www.greatamericanplumbing.com still will not come up. We redirected the original URL to the new website, and it is showing on the backend but we can't seem to make it actually come live. Please help!