mark6276's profile

52 Messages


676 Points

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 3:59 AM

Page width adjustment issue

Hello Folks,

I've used this website format for over 10 years and do enjoy its fairly simple tools which have helped me make a quite impressive web page.

The recent issue I've noticed which has never happened before is the page width pixels seem to revert back to a 1020 - 1050 setting.

now this isn't on all my pages but it seems to happen periodically, I set my pages to 900 pixel width and have for years, I know if any given field

is wider than I notice is one way for this to happen but that's not the case with my pages.

I basically click page settings and re adjust my page to its 900, then save before publishing. Moments later it reverts back to 1020 to 1050 which when looking

on a phone make the page horizontally off center to the left.

Now I tried to address the issue with using the stubborn page width self adjustment by simply moving my page center of the higher width setting but then

it makes my page set to far to the right of a desktop or phone screen.

Any ideas out there.

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1.8K Messages


18.2K Points

5 months ago

Narrower pages probably translate to mobile better. You should still center the page.

Yes, to make a page wider, go under Page Settings > Backgrounds, Links, Footer and change the Page Width.
The page width can be edited from the page settings. Please refer to these instructions, 1200 pixels is average.


Improving mobile capability is a good argument for changing to the websitebuilder platform.


52 Messages


676 Points

Hello Russell, 

I did notice the left/ center alignment option and did try the 1200 pixel width while centering my page to that area, I hade the same issue. I put my setting back to 900,  900 width works better on phones, I'm not to thrilled with using the phone friendly format. I don't even use them on my phone when asked, I like the zoom in zoom out swipe interaction.

I appreciate your input.

52 Messages


676 Points


prior thread:

I tried something different with this page width issue.

While in editor I created a new page.

I copied 1 of the affected pages and pasted it onto the new page.

With no changes done to menus video or other fields the page remains
centered upon previewing it, prior to publicizing it

Is there a chance that the width setting of an older page became corrupted to were it, by default reverts back to a larger width than entered.

I make my pages 900, the default seems to be anywhere from 1120 - 1140.


Yes, it is possible that the width setting of an older page became corrupted and reverts back to a larger width than entered.


52 Messages


676 Points


I guess the next question would be .. If I create a new page pasting the entire design of the older well established search friendly page using .. Save as,  Do you think my page ranking of the new un corrupted page will maintain the same page ranging position as the replaced corrupted aligned ones.  

Or does the new page transition wipe out the current search page position, starting the slow crawl process all over again, taking time to slowly creep back into its 1st page setting.

any input would be helpful, and yes I hold myself entirely responsible for any editing actions I decide to take.

Thank you.

Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

This would unfortunately affect your ranking, as it would seem to be a new page according to Google. 

Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

5 months ago


The only thing I've ever seen cause this is if there is an element on the page/s that is outside of the set page dimensions. The editor will automatically adjust the page with in those cases. 

52 Messages


676 Points

Hello Elyzabeth

I know what you mean and did try to see if any characters or field stretched beyond my set parameter . I couldn't see any obvious scenario, I click select all which highlights all the used field and no such field spans outside the work space. if 1 or 2 pages is wider than the other 15, could that set a default width of some sort.

I appreciate your input.


Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

I had one other person with this issue a few months ago and it ended up being their navigation menu. Can you delete and re-add the menu from each page and let me know if this issue persists?

52 Messages


676 Points

Hello Elyzabethv,

I appreciate your reply and the mention of a possible similar scenario.

May I ask before attempting the reinstallation of  many menus, what was the reason or conclusion found making the determination of the menu field or its placement possibly creating a page offset situation.

My website is on my profile if you think that may help in seeing first hand the irregularity.

Thank you again, Sincerely, Mark

follow-up discoveries :

When in editor, previewing the readjustment back to my preferred 900 px wide from these same (few pages) affected, the preview page prior to publishing shows the offset orientation still, even though when in the editor area showing the adjustment was made. Hopefully to the advanced web builders out there this scenario will open some ideas.

Another noticed hint :

While in preview mode I noticed as mentioned the page, art borders etc. are yes offset by roughly the 250  or so width pixels, but I noticed when clicking to open an image strip feature which then opens to an up close visual of the featured image, that enlargement image is correctly centered to the normal viewing screen while the initial page it comes from is still offset.

I tried this with the non affected pages and yes in fact the blown up image feature mentioned, does stay centered to the original non affected background pages as one would imagine. whereas the affected offset pages being some how set for 1147 wide still allow the blown up image feature to stay centered to the previewed page with the exception being the 1147 width page shows my intended 900 px page which favors the left of the web space horizontal area.


52 Messages


676 Points


I tried something different with this page width issue.

While in editor I created a new page.

I copied 1 of the affected pages and pasted it onto the new page.

With no changes done to menus video or other fields the page remains
centered upon previewing it, prior to publicizing it

Is there a chance that the width setting of an older page became corrupted to were it, by default reverts back to a larger width than entered.

I make my pages 900, the default seems to be anywhere from 1120 - 1140.

1.8K Messages


18.2K Points


Yes, it is possible that the width setting of an older page became corrupted and reverts back to a larger width than entered.

52 Messages


676 Points

4 months ago

Page width problem solved ...

Thank you elyzabethv for your mentioning the menu issue.

Thank you  russell5607 for mentioning the page corruption issue.

Well it seems I may have experienced both issues, how did I weed it out ?

First of all I kept the clues in my mind regarding possible page corruption and menus.

The least destructive method of solving this issue without destroying a decade of 

tedious image, field and text alterations to my website was to :

- Create a new blank page with my site background art.

- Copy one of the effected pages and paste it onto the new created page

- Confirm the width issue on the new blank page

- Systematically remove elements in small sections while previewing the effect

- The idea was to find which field was affecting the widened page width

- Once seeing a consistent results, I knew exactly which elements to remove

- Using the blank page, I copied and pasted each page affected using that as a

   clean up board. I did this with 15 pages.
- Once the copied page maintained the necessary page width needed by extracting 

   the faulty elements, I then copied the corrected page and pasted it back to the

   actual search engine friendly robot crawled page slot.

It took quite a bit of work but while using the process of elimination, I was able to save my page settings those pesky analytic embedded codes not to mention my inherited page positions. 

My thinking based on what was brought to my attention from those mentioned above was it was very possible that my copied menus and other structured field arrangements became corruption from numerous times of simply copying and pasting to the many pages .

By the way .. I did dabble a little with the newer platform, I think this old dinosaur platform I'm using (Site Builder ) is much more versatile and user friendly although I have 10 years of working on it.

Thanks again, Sincerely, Mark
