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Monday, February 26th, 2018 10:46 PM

Can I Secure My Homestead Website With HTTPS?

Can I Secure My Homestead Website With HTTPS?
For SITEBUILDER PLUS ONLY. Do not use if you have Website Builder.

If you have a Simplestore using Sitebuilder Plus, DO NOT PROCEED WITH THIS PROCEDURE.
For more information please read this topic

Important: When we update the nameservers, it is possible to see some interruption with the website and email as the settings propagate. This is to be expected, but if it has been more than 24 hours, please contact support and we can assist.

*click on images to enlarge*

This topic addresses displaying a "secure" rating in the address bar. Currently your site shows an information icon to the left of your URL. If you click it, the message will say the site is not secure.

If you have a contact form this is important. As soon as you begin filling in a field in the form, the browser will display a more obvious message in the address bar.

To secure your site you will need to update your nameservers using Cloudflare. Below are detailed instructions on correctly configuring this so your website will be secure and your customers will feel more confident providing you their contact information.

1) Go to and click on the sign up link.

2) Please enter your email address and password you wish to use for your Cloudflare account. If possible, please do not use an email address connected to your domain.
We strongly recommend you read the term and conditions. To continue you must agree to the terms and conditions by clicking on create account.

3) Enter your domain name and click on Add site

4) Select the FREE plan and click Confirm Plan.

5) Cloud flare will scan your current DNS settings and automatically populate the found DNS records. When the scan is complete, and you see all records present, click continue .

6) Compare the DNS records Cloudflare scanned to your existing DNS records. These can be found in your Homestead account, under Domains > Advanced DNS settings. They should match. If they do, click Continue.

If they don't, you can click on the name or value inside of Cloudflare that is incorrect and edit it. If you need help viewing your current DNS records, please see our topic, How can I view and edit my DNS records using Homestead nameservers.

NOTE: Please make sure to verify that the MX record has been added inside of CloudFlare's DNS settings. If you do not see a record with MX next to it, then we will need to add the MX record.

Click MX in the drop down, then click Name and type @, then Click to configure just right of that box. It will open a new window, please confirm your MX record.
If you are using email with Homestead, for server you will add, and for Priority you can put 10. Click save, then click Add Record.

7) Cloudflare will now provide you the new nameservers for your domain. If you do not see your nameservers, proceed to the DNS page inside of Cloudflare, and scroll down until you see Cloudflare Nameservers.

Important: When we update the nameservers, it is possible to see some interruption with the website and email as the settings propagate. This is to be expected, but if it has been more than 24 hours, please contact support and we can assist.

8) Log into your Homestead account and click the domains tab on the left. Under the domain you are working on, click Edit your nameservers. You will need to click delete next to and then change the other 2 nameservers to the ones provided by Cloudflare. You can't change and delete in the same step, so you will need to click edit twice. Click Submit

9) Return to Cloudflare and click done check nameservers.

10) The first part is now completed. Now, please review and confirm that the SSL is set to Flexible and always use HTTPS is turned on. 

11) Over the next 24 hours, try manually typing in your site with https. If it isn't set up yet, you'll get an error page. Just type  and when you see your site load with HTTPS, please proceed to the next step.

NOTE: Do not proceed to the next step until you can view your website when using HTTPS ( When you see your site load with HTTPS, continue to step #12.

12) Click on the SSL/TLS button at the top and select Edge Certificates. 

13) Scroll down on this page and look for the section entitled "Always use HTTPS" Turn it on. Also scroll to the bottom and find "Automatic HTTPS Rewrites" Turn it on. All other settings you can leave as default.

In a few minutes, your site will show secure.

If your site is not showing fully secure, please go republish your site.

Note: This solution is for Sitebuilder Plus sites only.

15 Messages


538 Points

7 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled HTTP to HTTPS - How is Homestead Assisting All Website Clients with implementing ....

How is Homestead assisting their Homestead website Clients, so that we are not penalized by Google -- regarding the July 2018 change from HTTP to HTTPS? Clear guidance, from Homestead, is needed, in how to go from HTTP to HTTPS.
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello Michele R.4628
Here are the instructions for getting your Sitebuilder site secure with HTTPS. Any of the newer Website Builder sites can also follow these instructions, but they will also soon have an auto SSL through Homestead.

31 Messages


698 Points

6 years ago

This all can't be serious.  Go here, sign up, do this, go there change this, change that, AND pay $20/month because I have more than one site?  Why isn't this just handled at the Homestead end, doesn't all my stuff just sit on their servers?  This smells like a way to avoid work and increase revenue for someone else, then get a kickback?
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello Stephen6243
If you are using Sitebuilder Desktop, SSL is not an option. It is not compatible at all. If you are using Sitebuilder Plus, the software is too old to integrate SSLs on our end, so Cloudflare will be the only option. For our newest builder, Website Builder, we will eventually have free SSLs that are put on sites automatically. Cloudflare is just the answer for now, until we get that feature integrated and launched. It just depends on which builder you are on.

31 Messages


698 Points

I am so sorry, it said that right in the message.  So . . . if i ditch the desktop sitebuilder, (which I'm not at all happy with having to use a web version, it seems slow and clumsy,) and re-save everything in the new format, I don't need to do anything other than that?
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

I apologize, but no. You would still need to follow the instructions in this article, but you do need to switch to Sitebuilder Plus to be able to use this service. If you follow the instructions in this post, it should be free. We are not looking for a kickback from anything, just want your customers to feel safe and we don't want your rankings to drop because your site isn't secure. If you have a bunch of domains and it is telling you to upgrade to a paid account to add more, I might suggest just creating another Cloudflare account.

31 Messages


698 Points

This seems very involved, especially since I host a number of domain names.  I would have thought something like this could be handled globally for all sites you physically host.
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

It is being handled by us for the websites on Website Builder, which is the newer builder we offer and the only program that is compatible with SSL integration. We looked into SSL being automatically added for Sitebuilder Desktop and Sitebuilder Plus customers and is just wasn't possible. The software is too outdated. So we did the best we could to offer a solution for the customer who have not been willing to switch to Website Builder, by giving you information on a 3rd party program you can use instead.

9 Messages


456 Points

6 years ago

I have created a cloudfare account and reviewed my DNS query results and received 2 warnings. 

One reads: "An MX record was not found for your root domain. An MX record is required for mail to reach addresses"

The second reads: "An A, AAAA, CNAME, or MX record is pointed to your origin server exposing your origin IP address."

Please advise as to what I should do?

31 Messages


698 Points

Boy are you asking the wrong guy.  :)
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello Neil7148
Since your domain is not registered through Homestead, but pointing to us, it is possible the Cloudflare system is having a hard time deciphering which DNS is should use. For reference, please make sure the DNS on your domain is set to the following:

**Note for anyone else seeing this comment. THIS DNS WILL ONLY WORK IF YOU ARE USING WEBSITE BUILDER**

9 Messages


456 Points

Thanks for your response Elyzabeth. Can you elaborate a little more on how to "make sure the DNS on your domain is set to the following:"

I am unsure how set any of this...
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Follow the instructions from step 6, that is what this is referring to. Edit the DNS in the Cloudflare account to match what I posted above.

9 Messages


456 Points

Here is where I am at... About ready to toss in the towel and just leave my site as not secure.

4 Messages


232 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled

Received email from suggesting of getting a Free SSL. It looks like spam but wanted to make sure it is a valid advertising. Thank you very much.
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello Juan6567
This email is valid. It is referring to this article with instructions to set up an SSL through Cloudflare.

2 Messages


132 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled I'm trying to change the nameservers for my domain but the option doesn't appear ....

I'm trying to use the free Cloudflare service to change my domain to https:// and the option for changing nameservers does not show up as a link on the manage domain page of your website when I log in
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hey there Kevin8689!
This is because your domain is not registered through Homestead. You would need to go to the company you register your domain through to complete that step.

23 Messages


872 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled HTTP (not HTTPS) Links.

Now that I'm converting my websites to be 'Secure', do I need to change the zillions of HTTP (not HTTPS) links I have?
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello bookministry

Yes, if you have links you have manually put on your site that link to your domain, you would need to update those to reflect the HTTPS security.

Technically the links will still work, it just won't reflect the SSL.

23 Messages


872 Points

I'm trying to say that I have links to OTHER domains that aren't HTTPS - here's an example: on my website, I offer this link: / which is NOT HTTPS - so - will I need to go to all these sources, change them to HTTPS and then add the 'S' to my link - or will all be OK to leave alone?
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Oh! No, if the sites you are linking to don't have HTTPS, you don't need to update them.

23 Messages


872 Points

:) - now ... was that so hard? Thanks for your help - I have several sites with all these links - and very concerned the work ahead of me would be so formidable. Thanks for your help. I'm really glad Homestead sent that notice about the "Not Secure" tab on my websites. I was getting concerned people wouldn't want to visit them.
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

No, not hard at all! Sorry for the misunderstanding with my first answer. I'm glad you don't have to go update a zillion links, that sounds like it would take forever!And yes, we definitely wanted to get connected to our Homesteaders regarding this. We want your customers to feel safe and don't want your ranking to be affected by something that can be fixed!

104 Messages


4.4K Points

6 years ago

I've been on sitebuilder since 2004. I got the email today and if I am reading it correctly, if I create  new site using website builder I will not have to go through cloudfare. Correct? Thank you

2 Messages


132 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled DNS changes for cloudflare.

I am trying to change my dns as per your instructions in the email for The screen for changing my dns does not look like the example. Then want me to change them to:

but it keeps telling me to put in an ip address.
Where can I make these changes?
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hi Wendel4259

This is because your domain is not registered through Homestead. You would need to go to the company you register your domain through to complete that step

4 Messages


276 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled How do give my website a secure rating.

I would like my website to have a "secure" rating, because I have contact forms displayed on a couple of pages. How best should I do that? Thank you.
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello Paulette5674
This article has the instructions to get HTTPS set up through Cloudflare.

If you were to rebuild your site in our newest builder, Website Builder, we will be offering an automatic SSL for free through that system very soon!

8 Messages


258 Points

Elyzabeth - Will Homestead be sending out an email to everyone that lets us know when the new Website Builder will be available for us to rebuild our sites to include SSL.
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

The Website Builder is available now, I would recommend starting to build the site as soon as you are able to. The SSL will automatically apply and we will definitely notify everyone of this change. It is expected to happen very soon.

8 Messages


258 Points

I'm not exactly sure how to get started. Once logged in under Websites Manager I can edit  or add a new website. Can you all send out instructions on how to rebuild a site. I don't know where to start.
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Log into your account and click on to Websites Manager and on the right side near the top you will see "Add a Website".  You will name the "new" website something similar to your current domain name, but it will have the end saying ""  then you choose your design and start building! en when you are all done, you will go through the Domains tab and direct your domain name to be "associated" with the new site

104 Messages


4.4K Points

6 years ago

I've got one more question. I started the process with cloudshare this morning, but based on the fact that you all are going to offer SSL I'd like to delete my site from cloudshare. Can I do that without problems here? Meaning can I just hit "delete" on cloudshare?
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Have you already updated your nameservers to Cloudflare nameservers? If so, I would recommend resetting them back to our default nameservers first. After that, it should not matter if you delete the Cloudflare account.

104 Messages


4.4K Points

I checked in with them and the updates had not yet gone through, so I was fine to delete on cloudflare. Thank you

69 Messages


3.1K Points

6 years ago


I just received a notice that I must get an SSL certificate, but I'm using the old desktop website builder:

"Enabling HTTPS on your site requires obtaining an SSL certificate. FREE SSL will NOT be available for websites still on the legacy Desktop Website Builder product."

This looks complicated (at least for me).  How long do I have to do this before the following happens:

"If you do not take any action here, the credibility and trust of your website may suffer and you might end up losing out on future visitors and customers."

Also, who is Cloudfire?

"Once you activate your site on Cloudfire by changing your nameservers (in the steps to follow) traffic to your site will be routed through our intelligent global network."

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello R.9229,
It isn't a question I could answer about when your site will be affected. It could already be affected, or you could not see a difference yet. It is possible it is already affecting your site. I do recommend switching off of the legacy desktop program as soon as possible to be able to use this feature. Cloudflare is a 3rd party company that allows you to get an SSL through their service, since Sitebuilder is not compatible with us adding an SSL directly.

69 Messages


3.1K Points

Thank you for your reply, Elyzabeth. The problem is that I've tried using the online sitebuilder program, but it keeps freezing up. Perhaps that's because my computer is very old and I'm using Windows 7.  Not sure, but I love the desktop program which I've been using for 16-plus years.

Anyway, I guess my days are numbered and I'll have to upgrade.  I wish there had been more notice, or maybe there was and I haven't been paying attention.  But I just received the announcement yesterday.

What's the easiest and simplest way to go about all this?  Will Homestead be offering SSL in the near future and I can just forget about Cloudfire?  I'm painfully slow at technology.  In fact, I still haven't been able to back up my website or even my computer.  So this seem dreadfully complicated to me.

Thanks and all the best.

31 Messages


698 Points

I am on R.9229's team, though I can live with the web version, I'd prefer a desktop version.  I also would prefer a solution handled at your end, which is why most of us are using Homestead in the first place.  You guys just take care of all the complicated stuff and we make straight forward websites using a WYSIWYG tool.  If we were technologically savvy enough to have the vocabulary and skills to even know what all the "SSL" and other acronyms mean, we wouldn't be using Homestead.

We need "See Dick, See Jane, See the big red ball,"  click a few buttons, "Run Spot. Run."

I don't have the time or desire to become an expert in this.  :-)
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

I'm not sure when you tried using the online version, but I know when it was first introduced, it had a lot of issues that needed to be fixed. The version available these days is definitely improved.

You mentioned that you love the desktop program and you have been using it for 16-plus years. I definitely understand that you are familiar with the program but website building, operating systems, computers and the internet in general has gone through tremendous changes in the past 16 years. Programs that are 16 years old are unfortunately not going to be competitive or compatible these days. We updated the software for as long as we could rationalize it, but eventually we had to move on to a better, more updated program. I do recommend upgrading. If you start using Sitebuilder Plus, Cloudflare (or companies like Cloudflare) is the only HTTPS solution we can offer. The software just can't support SSL through Homestead. It has to be done 3rd party. If you rebuild your site in our newest builder, Website Builder, will be offering free automatic SSL very soon.

31 Messages


698 Points

Hi Elyzabeth,  I re-read the original e-mail and it was VERY poorly crafted.  

Bad thing.
We have you covered.
Go here.
Do 12 step program.
Waste time
Wonder if I did it right

THAT is why so many people are having trouble with this.  It DOES NOT SAY, 

Bad thing.
Open and resave your pages with web based SiteBuilder.
Problem solved.

Honestly, the *instant* I saw "create an account" I was annoyed and wanted out.

I asked this question earlier and the answer made me believe I couldn't do the above so I'll ask again . . .   

If I open a page using the web based sitebuilder, make a minor change to a page, and re-save, will this solve the problem of not being found or in compliance with Google or the page being "not secure?"

Thank you and sorry I'm so confused by all this . . .


2 Messages


142 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled I want to update name servers to new cloudflare name service.

changed name servers to cloudflare, as instructed by Homestead email directions
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello Larry6762
This article has step by step instructions with pictures to help you get this done.

35 Messages


1.7K Points

6 years ago

Homestead isn't allowing me to update my DNS server names as provided by Cloudfare.  I've tried more than once and get the same error message.
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

It looks like you got this working, as I see the cloudflare nameservers under your domain.

8 Messages


192 Points

6 years ago

The directions read that under my domain I am to click "edit your nameservers". This does NOT exist. Details please. If this is not done through your site, how is this to be accomplished. At this point I simply signed out of the process to convert to cloudshare. Will my service be disrupted?
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello Alex0707

This is because your domain is not registered through Homestead, but through GoDaddy. You would need to go to the company you register your domain through to complete that step. If you haven't updated your nameservers, nothing will be affected yet

14 Messages


414 Points

6 years ago

I setup an account with Cloudfare and made these changes to support SSL and HTTPS on my webs ite ( However, it has been two days since I made the updates and the site is still not showing as being secure with HTTPS. Below is the Crypto status from Cloudfare. It says that I have an active certificate. How can I have Homestead Support look into this?

Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello Sean3096
Did you turn on the other settings outlined in step #13, under the "Crypto" tab?

14 Messages


414 Points

I posted this same post on the Cloudfare community web site and someone got it working, so my issues is resolved.

14 Messages


414 Points

I have another issue now. When using the Chrome browser on my web site ( I don't see "Secure" to the left of the URL. Instead, I see a circled letter "i". When I click on that icon, I see the following message saying that the site is not fully secure. What do I need to do in order to get it fully secure?

Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hey there Sean3096
From what I can see on your site, this is likely caused by embeded HTML on your site that contains a http:// link. The browser is recognizing that something on your site is not secure. I would recommend going through HTML on your site and fixing those. (for example, the BBB embded HTML in the footer)

14 Messages


414 Points

This helped me fix it. Thanks!