homestead_faq's profileBrand User

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Monday, February 26th, 2018 10:46 PM

Can I Secure My Homestead Website With HTTPS?

Can I Secure My Homestead Website With HTTPS?
For SITEBUILDER PLUS ONLY. Do not use if you have Website Builder.

If you have a Simplestore using Sitebuilder Plus, DO NOT PROCEED WITH THIS PROCEDURE.
For more information please read this topic

Important: When we update the nameservers, it is possible to see some interruption with the website and email as the settings propagate. This is to be expected, but if it has been more than 24 hours, please contact support and we can assist.

*click on images to enlarge*

This topic addresses displaying a "secure" rating in the address bar. Currently your site shows an information icon to the left of your URL. If you click it, the message will say the site is not secure.

If you have a contact form this is important. As soon as you begin filling in a field in the form, the browser will display a more obvious message in the address bar.

To secure your site you will need to update your nameservers using Cloudflare. Below are detailed instructions on correctly configuring this so your website will be secure and your customers will feel more confident providing you their contact information.

1) Go to and click on the sign up link.

2) Please enter your email address and password you wish to use for your Cloudflare account. If possible, please do not use an email address connected to your domain.
We strongly recommend you read the term and conditions. To continue you must agree to the terms and conditions by clicking on create account.

3) Enter your domain name and click on Add site

4) Select the FREE plan and click Confirm Plan.

5) Cloud flare will scan your current DNS settings and automatically populate the found DNS records. When the scan is complete, and you see all records present, click continue .

6) Compare the DNS records Cloudflare scanned to your existing DNS records. These can be found in your Homestead account, under Domains > Advanced DNS settings. They should match. If they do, click Continue.

If they don't, you can click on the name or value inside of Cloudflare that is incorrect and edit it. If you need help viewing your current DNS records, please see our topic, How can I view and edit my DNS records using Homestead nameservers.

NOTE: Please make sure to verify that the MX record has been added inside of CloudFlare's DNS settings. If you do not see a record with MX next to it, then we will need to add the MX record.

Click MX in the drop down, then click Name and type @, then Click to configure just right of that box. It will open a new window, please confirm your MX record.
If you are using email with Homestead, for server you will add, and for Priority you can put 10. Click save, then click Add Record.

7) Cloudflare will now provide you the new nameservers for your domain. If you do not see your nameservers, proceed to the DNS page inside of Cloudflare, and scroll down until you see Cloudflare Nameservers.

Important: When we update the nameservers, it is possible to see some interruption with the website and email as the settings propagate. This is to be expected, but if it has been more than 24 hours, please contact support and we can assist.

8) Log into your Homestead account and click the domains tab on the left. Under the domain you are working on, click Edit your nameservers. You will need to click delete next to and then change the other 2 nameservers to the ones provided by Cloudflare. You can't change and delete in the same step, so you will need to click edit twice. Click Submit

9) Return to Cloudflare and click done check nameservers.

10) The first part is now completed. Now, please review and confirm that the SSL is set to Flexible and always use HTTPS is turned on. 

11) Over the next 24 hours, try manually typing in your site with https. If it isn't set up yet, you'll get an error page. Just type  and when you see your site load with HTTPS, please proceed to the next step.

NOTE: Do not proceed to the next step until you can view your website when using HTTPS ( When you see your site load with HTTPS, continue to step #12.

12) Click on the SSL/TLS button at the top and select Edge Certificates. 

13) Scroll down on this page and look for the section entitled "Always use HTTPS" Turn it on. Also scroll to the bottom and find "Automatic HTTPS Rewrites" Turn it on. All other settings you can leave as default.

In a few minutes, your site will show secure.

If your site is not showing fully secure, please go republish your site.

Note: This solution is for Sitebuilder Plus sites only.

4 Messages


166 Points

6 years ago

Ok I am stumped...I did the walk through a few weeks ago, and kind of got frustrated because only one page was showing the lock.  ( )  Looked the pages over a few times since.  Today I thought would try to tackled it again and still same results.  None of my other pages show the lock, they still show not seeing why just that one page is showing safe and the other's not.  I took out buttons, checked the addresses and looked at the walk through - only thing I wasn't able to do was look at the DNS because I had already altered and would have to change the nameservers back to default and didn't want to chance messing anything up....It's probably something simple that I am missing, but I just don't see please :)

Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello Sheli or Kevin6559

My first recommendation would be to republish your entire site. Many times, this will fox that issue. If that doesn't work, I would recommend looking over this article:

6 Messages


270 Points

6 years ago

I finally got this mostly working with the help of someone on the tech line, but we are still having issues with some new clients not being able to see the site. Even on our computers, some browsers will load fine and others will give us a site not found error. Is this still a problem with our settings somehow?
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

It looks like it is not loading with www. Can you look in the DNS page and see if you have a record for www?

18 Messages


950 Points

6 years ago

OK, so I followed the directions, and now my site is said to be secure.  However, there are no visitors now.  I didn't want it THAT secure!  What's wrong?  Cloudflare indicates that everything is the way it should be.
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Do you mean your site stats are not showing any traffic? The http:// and https:// version of your site are different in terms of a tracker, so it is going to take a little bit for this to update. My best suggestion would be to use a program like Google Analytics to track your visitors.

2 Messages


132 Points

6 years ago

3 Messages


152 Points

6 years ago

11 Messages


474 Points

6 years ago

I did the switch as described above and none of my websites can be viewed any longer. I did this a month ago and have been out of town, not realizing all my sites were down...freaking out:,,, The only one working is the BigCommerce one not switched, which is PLEASE HELP ASAP! Thx
Brand User

11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

Hello Deidre7335

I recommend looking at the common fixes in this article:

Other than that, I would recommend calling so someone can walk through the Cloudflare settings with you

12 Messages


1.1K Points

6 years ago

What method is used for SSL for Website Builder since this one doesn't work for it?

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192 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Google chrome says that my website is not secure - how do I fix it please?.

Google chrome is avoiding my website, saying it is not secure. I presume this might be a common problem, that I am late trying to solve, but I could not find any posts on it. Website is

3 Messages


152 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled how do I get my s on https.

13 Messages


242 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled No security on my website (https).

Hello. I have rewritten my website to some extent. When finished and published I notice no 'security'.... no https, in fact, we use our website ONLY to communicate OUT. We have a couple of places where we mention an email address. I see a lot of back-and-forth going on regarding this and would like to at least have my website marked secure and listed on https. Please fix. I am a very, very long time customer. I am depending on you guys to keep me current and it concerns me that I am having to explore this issue. Anita

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

Hi Anita5191,
For Sitebuilder sites to be secure, please follow these step by step instructions.

2 Messages


132 Points

6 years ago

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My website shows not secure. Can you make it secure?
Thank you.

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convert my current site to https ?

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6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled my websites are not secure, can you fix this?.

websites aren't secure please fix this. 

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132 Points

6 years ago

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