20 Messages


452 Points

Friday, January 26th, 2024 5:44 PM

Set Up RoundCube Email and forgot the password I set up for it.

Set Up RoundCube Email and forgot the password I set up for it.

Is it the same password as my Homestead account (not working to transfer RoundCube to GMail.

Or is it different? Where do I go to change the RoundCube password?

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20 Messages


452 Points

7 months ago

Tried it out, thought it was working, but now Google says I no longer have access to my

own domain email. I don't know what to do now - hope someone can help me. This

is very frustrating. Emails aren't showing up on my RoundCube email either. HELP!

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points

7 months ago


The email password is separate from your account password. Here are the instructions to reset it:


‎Account: Reset Email Password | Homestead Community