4 Messages


110 Points

Friday, February 16th, 2024 7:59 PM

Outgoing emails getting blocked

Whenever I send an email to a customer it get sent to spam, or blocked entirely. Can Homestead get this fixed asap? This is not the first time I've posted this problem.

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145.7K Points

10 months ago


I corrected the TXT for one domain, but the other one is pointing to Wix, so I don't have control over the DNS. Please log into Wix and make sure that the DNS matches this article, especially the TXT:

‎DNS Records for Homestead Email | Homestead Community

103 Messages


4.3K Points

10 months ago

Ditto. This is a recurring problem. My roundcube e-mail is Kathy@kathywildman.com where sent e-mails are not even going to customers spam. I have to send letters to my msn outlook e-mail and then send to the customer. Very inconvenient and my site is too big to change e-mails and I have decades of business cards out there. I need my email to function again. Please and thank you in advance, Kathy

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145.7K Points

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