robert0602's profile

6 Messages


170 Points

Friday, July 26th, 2024 5:26 PM


Website Corruption

Recently I noticed that my website has been corrupted with a bunch of "A"s  with a cap (^) on top of them.  I tried to republish my design pages, which are free of the corruption but it did not publish.  What's going on ???

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Strange Characters on Websites

23 Messages


358 Points

3 months ago

I'm having the same problem.

13 Messages


186 Points

me too!!!  It's driving me nuts and I can't seem to fix it. Waiting on a reply to my post and searching others. Looks like lots of other people dealing with this so there must have been some sort of change at homestead. What is going on?? 

4 Messages


80 Points

yes, we are having this issue as well.

13 Messages


344 Points


Since you published this 12 days ago, you may have found workarounds.

If not, my experience is that you can remove the "A with ^" by deleting the "causing" characters (extra spaces, quotation marks) or replacing fonts that are different from the rest of the text in a text box. This includes font type, e.g., italics as well as color and linked text.

Then you must save, publish and examine the page that is displayed on the internet (not the Homestead preview page or published page.)

If linked text is kept, I couldn't find a work-around.

6 Messages


170 Points

I believe Homestead should fix our websites for nothing, since they are raising their monthly rates and we will have to pay more now that they have updated their software.  Fixing our websites ourselves is very time consuming and something they should do for us FREE of CHARGE!!!

5 Messages


222 Points

3 months ago

Same here, 

19 Messages


338 Points

3 months ago

same here, been on and off for a week now

Brand User

11K Messages


144.9K Points

3 months ago


There is a ticket created to investigate and resolve this issue, but the engineers need more time to work on it. I'll update here on Community when I get any word of a resolution.

Brand User

11K Messages


144.9K Points

3 months ago


There is a ticket created to investigate and resolve this issue, but the engineers need more time to work on it. I'll update here on Community when I get any word of a resolution.

13 Messages


344 Points

I can tell you the issue appeared on my web pages when the following conditions existed:

  • I had a space after the final period in a paragraph. The symbol was shown where the extra space resided.
  • I used "double quotes" within a text box. The symbols would display near each double quote.
  • I used bold italics for some text within a text box that was originally Bold Arial Black, 12 point. The symbols would display before and after the italicized text.
  • I used red text for one word in a black text box. The symbols would display before and after the red text.
  • All my text was originally Arial Black, 12 point, bold.

There were other circumstances where the symbol appeared, (multiple spaces and tabs) but I hope these descriptions will help.

I work on a Windows 11 system. I saw this problem with published pages viewed by Chrome and Edge.

Within Homestead software, I did NOT see this issue when previewing the page or publishing it to the internal page, such as

I hope this is helpful.

14 Messages


210 Points

2 months ago

Hi “robert0602”

I read on one of your posts that are having a similar problem to one that I have - one that I cannot seem to completely solve. It is with the letter “A” showing up all over my website.


TUE - MAY 7           RAIN DATE
I am wondering if you have had luck solving this situation? I hope so.
FYI; I have been able to remove many of the “A’s” but not all. Also, if I enter a new text box and enter information, the “A’s”  come back on our public website. (I have never seen any of these problems on the website where I go to edit.)

4 Messages


132 Points

2 months ago

I spoke with them today. My websites first showed this corruption with the "A's" with the cap on top on August 21st.  Also, as you know, the text is either bigger or smaller than originally published, making for an unreadable website.  This is complete BS. I called them on 8/21 and then again today. They both told me that they can't do anything about it. When you call in, the customer service reps are working for the company that apparently purchased Homestead, so they have no solutions in this matter.  The old sitebuilder site is the one that is corrupted and they said that there is no way to fix it.  This has put a huge dent in our business. Perhaps everyone here with this problem should call many times per day complaining. Maybe that would do something. But for them to not even warn us or send an email out was very unprofessional.. William Licht and