28 Messages


508 Points

Tuesday, October 31st, 2023 6:09 PM

Emails not sending

My emails are not being sent and customers are not receiving their emails.

Also spam and junk emails are not even reaching my email.  This is an ongoing problem.

Any one have the same issues. 


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7 Messages


144 Points

10 months ago

I am having the same issues.  Emails sent to gmail accounts bounced back to me saying that the DKIM didn't pass.  Something to do with Reverse DNS records or something.  This is frustrating because I don't know what any of that means or how to fix it.

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points


Can you go ahead and try once more? I have updated the TXT SPF record for your domain which should allow it to begin working properly.

7 Messages


144 Points

@elyzabethv​ Hello there.  I have tried.  Now I am not even seeing the email I sent from roundcube to my gamil at all, in either place.  This is a problem because many of my contacts have gmail accounts.  We have a major event in the works, and I don't want to use my personal email address to connect with the participants. 

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points

10 months ago


The first step in troubleshooting would be to check your DNS. Since your nameservers are pointing to Cloudflare, I cannot fix it for you. Please log into that account and make sure your email DNS matches what's in that article exactly:

‎DNS Records for Homestead Email | Homestead Community

28 Messages


508 Points

@elyzabethv​  Hi Elyzabeth

the Cloudflare DNS records do not match what you have in the above link. It is totally different. How can I match it to what you suggest. 

Here is a screen shot of what my DNS looks like on my Cloudflare account. Thanks, Louise

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points

Hello there, 


It actually looks like you sent a screenshot of the Community article? Could you send a picture of the Cloudflare settings?