juneauprivatetours8174's profile

5 Messages


140 Points

Wednesday, February 8th, 2023 4:16 PM

Domain SSL Active Certificate

Hi there,

Can you activate my SSL Certificate? my web shows Not Secure yet , also guide me how to index to Google Console. 

Thank you!

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Brand User

11.1K Messages


145.7K Points

2 years ago


Please follow these instructions to secure your site:

‎WebsiteBuilder: SSL | Homestead Community

Here are the instructions for GSC:

‎Google Search Console | Homestead Community

7 Messages


130 Points

@elyzabethv​  Hello I followed the SSL steps. It said all was correct certificate will be provisioned more than 3 days ago. Still my website says "not secure"?

I tried the steps again to see if there was an error or message for incorrect IP, but all is good and the message came up you certificate will be provisioned 



5 Messages


140 Points

@elyzabethv Hi there! I followed also the steps on how to activate my SSL Certificate that I changed the DNA into settings removed www and @ sign. And it says there's a pop up message when I go back to the first page but I don't see any message. It's more than 48 hour's that I activated and it's still showing the same thing that my website is not secure. Please help and if you guy's can work on your end I would appreciate that much. Thanks!

Brand User

11.1K Messages


145.7K Points

Sam, you just needed to delete the record for *. I've done this for you. Please check it in about 30 minutes and let me know if it still isn't showing as secure. 

Brand User

11.1K Messages


145.7K Points

Juneauprivatetours8174, you actually need to keep the @ and www records and delete the one for *. I'll correct this for you. 

7 Messages


130 Points

@elyzabethv​ as always much appreciated!