1 Message
70 Points
DNS issue
I am trying to update DNS to our site, but not allowing me to
Need to add: google-site-verification=AoW5P4lSPQSLWOxH2htjbRrLkod0kYHqN_7HHs-XuiQ
Can anyone help?
1 Message
70 Points
I am trying to update DNS to our site, but not allowing me to
Need to add: google-site-verification=AoW5P4lSPQSLWOxH2htjbRrLkod0kYHqN_7HHs-XuiQ
Can anyone help?
1.9K Messages
19.3K Points
1 year ago
http://www.missrodeoflorida.com/ is working. Your website is not secure.
MAKE YOUR SITEBUILDER PLUS WEBSITE SECURE: Cloudflare can be used to add a free SSL. Please refer to these instructions. https://community.homestead.com/conversations/sitebuilder-plus/can-i-secure-my-homestead-website-with-https/5f2a9b1658180958845a60de.
If you're having trouble with the Cloudflare setup, you can always call for assistance at 1-800-710-1998.