4 Messages


100 Points

Thursday, July 18th, 2024 7:59 AM

Repeated A on my website

Hello, who will help me.

On my website: http://www.empirelightsound.com/

I have repeated A symbols displayed where my phone number is set...

What to do??

4 Messages


100 Points

2 months ago

Help possible from Homestead support??

9 Messages


120 Points

2 months ago

What to do??

44 Messages


1.8K Points

2 months ago

I don't see it anywhere.  Here's a screen shot of what I see:

Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points

1 month ago


There is a ticket created to investigate and resolve this issue, but the engineers need more time to work on it. I'll update here on Community when I get any word of a resolution.