2 Messages


80 Points

Saturday, January 13th, 2024 11:56 PM

Delete and Add New Page

I wish to delete lemonadeforthedivorcedsoul.com and create another website. I don't need the email address that is attached either. 

I do want to keep Discoveryourwings.net and my email and add another site. 

The site I wish to add is SacredWingsReiki

Please email your response to cowlady1970@yahoo.com since I view this email more. Thank you.

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1.7K Messages


17.1K Points

8 months ago

To create a new Website Builder site:
  1. Log in to your Homestead account.
  2. Click on the Websites Manager tab, then click on Add New Website. ...
  3. Please provide a unique name for the site. ...
  4. Click Add this Site. ...
  5. If your name is available, you will be taken back to the Websites Manager page.

2 Messages


80 Points

7 months ago

I am still having issues deleting Making Lemonade page. It says I have pages. I NEED THIS PAGE TAKEN DOWN. 

1.7K Messages


17.1K Points

@angela6533​ You can delete a page using the  FILE MANAGER:
The file manager can be accessed in the top right of the editor, click on the domain and then click view file manager. https://community.homestead.com/conversations/sitebuilder-plus/sitebuilder-plus-view-file


To delete a page click the "x" next to the page name in the "View Page" drop down list. Or, delete the page from the file manager https://community.homestead.com/homestead/topics/sitebuilder-plus-delete-a-page. 


Brand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points


Are you receiving an error message when trying to delete this page?