homestead_faq's profileBrand User

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44.6K Points

Tuesday, August 27th, 2019 10:10 PM

Account: Update Domain Contact Info

Account: Update Domain Contact Info
Your Homestead domain consist of information used to get in contact with you about your domain name; it includes, first and last name, email address, phone number and street address. The information determines who the legal owner of the domain name is. 

Domain contact information should be kept up to date. If you need to update any of the domain information you can do so by logging into your Homestead account

1. Select the domains tab from the left. Your registered domains are listed under Manage Your Websites Domains
2. Under the domain you want to update, select Edit contact info.

This will pull up the page that allows you to update and domain contact info.

3. Make any necessary updates and click save.

This information can be different from your account information. This information is used for domain verification emails and notices about domain expiration dates. 

3 Messages


130 Points

4 years ago

How long does it take for the Authorization Code contact to update when a domain contact is updated?
Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points


Once you update the contact email address, you will receive an email to confirm the update. At this point the information will be updated. 

3 Messages


130 Points

I received both emails from the original and updated email. I confirmed both and was successful. The contact information appears to be updated. But Authorization Code still says "Could not retrieve email". Changes were done an hour ago - not sure how long it takes for this Authorization Code portion to update?

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

I apologize, not sure why it wouldn't show. However, I was able to send out the authorization email, it should be arriving soon. 

3 Messages


130 Points

Thank you - received!
Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

Perfect, you are welcome. 

23 Messages


872 Points

4 years ago

I noticed the account info on my Homestead account was not the same as WHOIS BEFORE making my update. In other words, WHOIS had one address and when I went to my Homestead account, it was a different one. So correcting my Homestead account doesn't seem to correct WHOIS information.

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points


That is correct. The infomation is not collected from the account but WHOIS data is collected from the information that is on the domain registration. To update WHOIS info, update the domain contact information.

23 Messages


872 Points

Thanks so much for being so much smarter than I ... I appreciate the info and am making necessary adjustment to my domains. {:@)
Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

No problem, glad to help. 

2 Messages


150 Points

1 year ago







        ZIP CODE:

Are all correct in my Profile, but not in the WHOIS DATA CONFIRMATION e-mail I received. 

How can this information be transmitted to the WHOIS?

Brand User

11K Messages


144.9K Points


I would assume the information you're seeing in the WHOIS confirmation email is for Tucows, the domain registrar. This typically shows instead of your personal information. If it is correct under your Domain Contact information on your account, that is ok.