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44.6K Points

Monday, October 22nd, 2012 5:10 PM

Account: Change Site Association

Account: Change Site Association

Here's how you can associate your domain with another website on your account.

    1. Click the "Domains" link in the left navigation menu.

    2. Scroll down until you see your domain name and click Change Site Association.

    3. Choose the website you'd like your domain name to point to using the drop-down menu.

    4. Click Save to confirm the change.
      It may take some time for this change to reflect.

      **If the site you are switching to is built using WebsiteBuilder**
    5. Click Websites Manager, choose the site you are working with, click Edit Site, and Publish.

*IF YOU GET A 404 ERROR on your published site, please follow the instructions in this article to fix this:
Fixing the WebsiteBuilder 404 Error

Hope that helps!

For a video walkthrough of these instructions:

2 Messages


120 Points

6 years ago

And answer? We are trying to reactivate the website and not sure if it's possible.

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

That domain is registered via Homestead, but on a different account than you are currently using? You can create a new topic and make it private if you want to try to get this domain, or you will need to call support.

9 Messages


374 Points

6 years ago

I followed these steps and now when I try log into my site I get a message saying it has not been published yet? Are there additional steps to follow or is there a delay in it publishing? If so how long?

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

michelledisabato4764, it is working now.

9 Messages


374 Points

Wonderful thanks. 

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

You're welcome

5 Messages


194 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled I would like to use my second template but with my original ( .com) address and n....

7 Messages


328 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled I created a new site and want to change the domain name to a site I already have,....

I have an old site which I wanted to totally re-do. I've built the new site but now want to assign it to the domain of the old one. How do I do this?
Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

Hello Stacy
Here are the instructions for changing your site association.

7 Messages


328 Points

Hi Elyzabeth, thanks for the reply...but I don't see any instructions...

2 Messages


132 Points

I am hunting for the same info and can't figure it out...but anyone that knows me probably isn't surprised lol.  I can't figure out how to un-associate the and the associate my new domain.
Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

Hey Stacy, if you just scroll up the page to the article I posted your question to, you should see the instructions I'm referring to.

Michelle, I believe I saw you got that taken care of.

7 Messages


328 Points

Got it, thanks so much!

40 Messages


2.1K Points

6 years ago

I want to do this and info is excellent but one question, does all the site get transferred together with all the photo files. I plan to delete many web pages  before doing transfer but wish to edit photo files later. Thanks Aubrey as well
Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

This does not transfer a site. It just transfers the domain to a new site you already built. No files get transferred.

15 Messages


406 Points

6 years ago

Hi - I just pointed my domain to my new website following the instructions.  When I went to check it, at first it brought up the old site; then after a while it gave me a message "www.rosemountarts.comThis website is hosted and managed by Homestead.  You can build your own website at" 

In the website builder I see my newly designed site pointing to So do I have to wait awhile longer before my new site design shows up live?  I'm a little nervous here....
Thanks, Faye

15 Messages


406 Points

It is now several hours later and I still am getting that message that the website is hosted by Homestead.  HELP!  We are anxiously awaiting the publication of our new site!  In Website builder it is pointing to the new design, and I did save and Publish it there several times as the instructions said to do.

Thanks, Faye

15 Messages


406 Points

Can anybody help me here?   I can't bring up my website.
Thanks, Faye
Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

Hello Faye5486

I see you have your site going through Cloudflare. This prevented our system from updating the DNS to the new builder for you. You'll need to go into Cloudflare's DNS tab and remove the CNAMES for the www and * records. Then add/replace the following A records:

1. A Record:   www    Points to:

2. A Record:     *         Points to:

3. A Record:    @        Points to:
Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

Additionally, for future reference, commenting on your own question like you did sadly doesn't help your question to get answered, because it puts the question to the top of the list as a "recent question/reply" and we answer questions based on age (so the people who have been waiting the longest for an answer get answered first). Commenting like that unfortunately pushes you to the back of the queue according to our system. Questions will be answered as soon as possible, so just to avoid a longer wait than necessary, just post the original question and we will respond when we can. Mondays especially are just busy, so I apologize for the wait. 

15 Messages


406 Points

Thanks, Elyzabeth.  I did what you suggested on Cloudflare,  thanks so much - it worked!!  And I'm sorry about the extra commenting... I understand now how it works and I will not do that again!!

3 Messages


204 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled How to disassociate the existing domain from a site?.

Getting this message- The selected site already has a domain associated to it. WebsiteBuilder supports only 1 domain association for a site at a time. Please disassociate the existing domain and try again.

40 Messages


2.1K Points

6 years ago

My domain is I want to keep the existing pages but rename the site www. ; flashback or similar. 1 When published will all existing pages be renamed with same URl and (2) will my sub domain sleepylagoons .homestead be unaffected.?  I have read through all above but none quite cover my problem. Be very grateful if you will guide me
Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

You can purchase a new domain name and assign it to the same site as the old domain. At that point, you can choose if you want to keep or delete that old domain. All pages will be renamed to the same URL. The site name will not be affected.

7 Messages


280 Points

6 years ago

If I change the domain association will it also change the domain of the new site? For example, if I have domain and it is currently pointing to a site I built with Homestead. I built a new one, If I change the association to have point to, will visitors see in their browser, or will that only redirect to and that is the URL they will see in the browser?
Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

The domain will replace the site name.

21 Messages


524 Points

6 years ago

Hi! I just also pointed my domain to new web with Website Builder. And have same problem as Faye5486. In Cloudflare I changed records in DNS tab. But! Only successfully was added
1. A Record:   www    Points to:

3. A Record:    @        Points to:

When I try add * for *record it's shows me at the bottom red line with: "This DNS record cannot be proxied - click the icon to turn it gray to procced"

Which grey icon must be turn on?

I can attach photo of that cloudflare page and you can point to me
Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

If you've got your site through the newest Website Builder, you would actually not use Cloudflare anymore. You just need to set the nameservers in your Homestead account back to default and we will be able to provide an auto-SSL

21 Messages


524 Points

Oh! That's grate news! Done! Thank you, Elyzabeth!

21 Messages


524 Points

Or I need turn on somewhere auto-ssl?
Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

No, it can take up to 24 hours to propagate.

5 Messages


190 Points

5 years ago

Hello - 

I have a third party website created through DexYP/Thryv that points to our website.  I have created a new website using website builder.  The agreement we have with Thryv ends today and I would like the new site I created to go live.  When I try to change the site association I get this error message:

"Domain can not be associated to the selected site.

The selected site already has a domain associated to it. WebsiteBuilder supports only 1 domain association for a site at a time. Please disassociate the existing domain and try again."

What do I need to do to fix this?  Is this because they haven't taken their previously created site down yet?  Domain name is  New site I want to point that domain to is is linexofindy.homesteadcloudcom


2 Messages


132 Points

5 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled I've used website builder to make a new site but want to keep the old web addre....

As per the email I received I've made a new website using website builder but had to use a catchy address instead of my usual site name . How do I now give this new site my normal address?  Do I have to delete the address completely from the old site builder so it is then free for me to claim for the new website builder or will I be left with nothing but tears and potentially lose that domain name forever- I don't mind using the new website builder but I do want to keep the web addrewss I've been using for 10 years! 

61 Messages


1.2K Points

3 years ago

I am trying to change the site association of my domain TO but it won't activate....keeps sending you to another one of my sites.  How do I fix?

Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points

It shows it connected to that site, this is what I see coming up is this correct? 



7 Messages


140 Points

3 years ago

Thanks, I'll try this! Does it take a day or 2 to for the change to reflrct?

Brand User

11K Messages


145K Points

Yes, it should take less than 24 hours. 

7 Messages


140 Points

3 years ago

Worked great, Thank you!