

July 31st, 2013

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followed 's post

12 years ago

I have my domain name registered with Melbourne IT, but my website is on Homestead ( The domain name recently expired, so I want to trnasfer the domain name to Homestead. I followed the instructioins on the Intuit community help section, but when I enter my domain name and click "use

followed 's post

12 years ago

To use an existing domain with your website, you can either point or transfer your domain. Once you transfer to us, you will be able to manage your email, domain, and website within your account. We will renew your domain every year as long as your account is active. If your domain ends in .com,

commented on 's post

12 years ago

To use an existing domain with your website, you can either point or transfer your domain. Once you transfer to us, you will be able to manage your email, domain, and website within your account. We will renew your domain every year as long as your account is active. If your domain ends in .com,

When following these steps I get the message ' This domain already associate with a website account' for a pointed domain name. What do I need to do to get it transferred before it expires?

joined community.

July 31, 2013