drew_n's profile

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Friday, July 31st, 2015 9:35 PM


Sitebuilder Plus updates

Over the coming months, we will be releasing some enhancements, improvements, and fixes in Sitebuilder Plus. You may have already noticed the additional fonts that have been added through Google fonts. Using Google web fonts means there is no need for your visitor to have the fonts installed on their system, thus allowing them to easily view the site as you designed. 

Coming soon: The media elements will be updated to HTML5 elements. This means that they will work across all browsers, desktop and mobile, without the need for installing special plug ins.

As these items are released we will be posting them here in the community with any how tos that may be required. 

We understand that some of you prefer the desktop version and we have no plans to disallow your use of the program. We will currently be offering these programming changes in Sitebuilder Plus only. We do urge you to give Sitebuilder Plus a try. It may take a little getting used to, but many people have successfully and happily made the transition.

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