drew_n's profile

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Thursday, October 3rd, 2013 9:02 PM


Can I customize my Bigcommerce template using HTML & CSS?

Yes! BigCommerce contains a powerful template system that can be used to completely customize the look and feel of your store to your needs to integrate it with an existing website design.

BigCommerce templates are entirely HTML based and make use of extensive CSS to style page designs. Due to the flexible design of the HTML templates in BigCommerce, it's possible to create brand new store designs only through customization of the stylesheets and little HTML modification.

We are constantly improving our system and making it easier for you to modify the template(s) without needing to know html/css code, however there are still advanced changes that can only be done through modifying the code directly. We are here to help you learn how the software works, and what it can and cannot do. Customizing your store beyond the default template that we provide is beyond our scope of support.

We do have a template customization guide that serves as an introduction to the methods available for you to customize the appearance of your BigCommerce store, and an introduction in to how the BigCommerce template system is structured.

We would encourage you to check out our themes documentation, which includes a list of all the storewide variables and panels here.  

In addition, here are several other articles that give you more details about what you can do with our software:

Not a designer

That's ok, not everyone is. If you would like us to create a custom design for you, then contact a Homestead web advisor.

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