doug9376's profile

54 Messages


1.2K Points

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 3:48 PM

Website Builder

I thought I would ask how this "new" software is working for those who are using it.

I've suffered for years with Sitebuilder Plus and was very annoyed some time ago when Website Builder was announced. Absolutely NO compatibility with Sitebuilder Plus. We were told, just re-create your website with the new software.

I've been in computers since the early '60s and this was never something any organization would do. But Homestead did. Anyway, I'm getting off topic.

So what's Website Builder like to use? Any comments, pro or con, appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Accepted Solution

444 Messages


11K Points

1 month ago

I know it's annoying to have to "re-build" from scratch, but with ALL the platforms going to the cloud, nothing computer based is compatible.  It's just a different animal.  That being said, I have rebuilt many and made new sites in Website Builder almost since the beginning.  Truthfully-it is SO much better as it is more modern looking, has a built in, nice looking mobile version and some better tools.  You have to watch that mobile version though (I'll mention details at the end).  There will certainly be a learning curve with the new tools, since they are like in 2 places and the terminology (elements, sections, styles and such) are a bit different than SiteBuilder.  There are good tutorials and plenty of people here to help. (Unlike the actual new support people who don't really seem to know anything at all). Ultimately you will like it better.  The best way to do it is to grab or download all your pictures and files and drop them into a folder on the desktop.  Then I have just cut and pasted all the relevant text into a good ol' Word document, identifying them by page.  This is the best time to edit old text, too.  Google's new search likes more pictures than text now (thanks to the dumbing down of America- people need pictures) and be sure to put "alternate image text describing the photos as you put them into your new site-very important right now).  Then just pick a template layout you like and you will find it very easy to adapt it to your own brand.  Use "containers" as it is the new grouping.  This is also very important as it applies to your mobile version.  The Website Builder treats every single thing you put on your page as it's own layer.  As you add stuff, the mobile version has a tendency to treat those as "new" and can plop them at the bottom of your mobile page.  You can easily move them in the mobile editor, but easier to get them in the right place to begin with....thus the importance of using containers and putting everything you want to stay together (grouping) in the invisible box.  Should you make the jump, and have any particular issues, you are welcome to contact me directly at  Good luck and I hope this helps you.

236 Messages


2.1K Points

1 month ago

Jeesh....and I thought the old sitebuilder and online version were tough to navigate. I am glad I am not "migrating." I am spending enough time cleaning up my pages and removing extra spaces!!!

444 Messages


11K Points

My advice is to switch as soon as you think you can.  The clean-up of the formatting Ås takes forever (I helped someone with that recently) and there is no guarantee they will stay away.  Some people have reported that they returned after about a week. The problem is SiteBuilder itself.  It's dying an ugly death.   I could help you with the re-build if you are interested. 

30 Messages


3.3K Points

1 month ago

Hey Doug.....

Several years ago I was fighting Sitebuilder Plus daily and it was taking hours to load my Sunrise photos daily.......and then several of the GOOD TECHS here convinced me to move my entire site to Website Builder and I couldn't be HAPPIER.......lightning FAST and what used to take hours daily now takes perhaps 5 minutes if I take my time!!

Give it a shot......they will gladly help you transition!!


75 Messages


1.1K Points

1 month ago

It's a terrible software in my opinion.  I can't get links to 'stick' to text when I want to update them.  The text sometimes decides to be underlined, sometimes change colors.  It's TERRIBLE.  Tech support won't answer.  I'm done with it.

54 Messages


1.2K Points

1 month ago

Thanks to all...

Thanks Lynn for your explanation.

I guess I no longer have to wonder what this winter's project is. :>)

444 Messages


11K Points

Ha ha- it won't take as long as you think once you get into it.  But seriously email me if you get stuck on something ... even in the winter. 

54 Messages


1.2K Points

Thanks, Lynn

54 Messages


1.2K Points

1 month ago

Thursday Aug 29. I just went to start learning Website Builder following Lynn1286's helpful notes.

Opened my Home page and it is fine.

THERE ARE NO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAs!!!!!  They are gone. My webpages look like they should.

Please tell me I am not dreaming!!

236 Messages


2.1K Points

More like waking up from a nightmare, than a dream!!