12 Messages


200 Points

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023 2:30 PM

I need to add a domain to my account but the .gov ending is not available. Help

We recently obtained a new domain.  I need to add that to this host account.  The ending of .gov is not an option.  Can that be fixed or is that not an option at all?

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Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

1 year ago


If you provide me with the full domain name, I can add it as a pointing domain for you, but I do need to warn you that you will not be able to edit the DNS for this domain at all. 

12 Messages


200 Points

it is www.poloil.gov


Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

Ok, I've added this domain to your account. Please make sure it's pointing to our nameservers:

‎Account: Point a Domain to Homestead Using Nameservers | Homestead Community