38 Messages
840 Points
Heads and feet are cut off in gallery
Many of my images were taken to fill the frame so heads are near the top of the picture and feet are near the bottom. Your galleries have a hover effect which expands to show the whole image when you mouse over an image but that is no good for me. I have turned the hover effect off and it no longer expands but the gallerys images are still shown as if they are to be expanded, hence the heads and feet are cut off no matter what layout effect I choose. Is there a way I can fix this or can you fix it? I have tried 'change design' but that does not help at all. I have tried editing one image in an external program top reduce the resolution and uploading it at the exact right size and setting the layout to 'original' but when the pop-up version comes up it is the same size rather than an expanded version. This renders pop-up useless.
Accepted Solution
11.2K Messages
146.4K Points
1 year ago
In the image gallery settings, click on each picture and set them to "Fit"