diana4699's profile

104 Messages


2.2K Points

Saturday, October 5th, 2024 8:21 PM

Changing name and domain host


I want to rename my website, got a new www, plus moved my old www to a new host to have them all in one place "squarespace"  So both www will be hosted by squarespace now, I tried to point the new domain with the CNS you provided following the step 1, however they need other information that I don't have, can you please help me? Homestead will still host the website. [can add the image says error, it's a jpg but doesn't accept it]

"Host", "type" (CNAME, etc) , "Alias data" are the only 3 fields I get.


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3 months ago



104 Messages


2.2K Points

Thanks I did this already, I just need the info to redirect the www to my website.