lynn1286's profile

482 Messages


11.4K Points

Thursday, January 18th, 2024 6:39 PM

What has happened to Homestead Support?????

I have not had to call Tech support for a long time, but today I was appalled by the off shore representative's response to my question.  She started off by telling me that they are not trained on the editing of websites and I should hire a web developer to answer my question. She could not tell me the difference between a "fixed" and  "block" setting for an element and was also argumentative.  What is the point of having untrained people answering the phone??

My question had to do with resizing elements for mobile vs desktop.  I think I may have changed a setting somewhere and an embedded form keeps being OK then getting cut off.  This lame excuse for a service person was a complete waste of my time, as I apparently know way more than she did. I have been with Homestead for over 20 years and if this is what it has come to, I will be making other choices for the many sites I manage.  SO, Ms. "Rachel" - you are not a good representative for the company.  And Homestead-you might want to think about this course of action.  If this is how you want to handle customer support, what makes you think I would EVER consider building anything new on 

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368 Messages


10K Points

1 year ago

I have been here almost twenty years myself. As you know we have had ups and downs in the past with the quality of service here.. This is the worst I have seen it.

We will all be lucky if they survive. It's as if there is no one even working at Homestead...only taking our money and not giving us a service.



482 Messages


11.4K Points

You make a good point.  Maybe all the good people quit or were "absorbed" by the side.  I have experienced a similar trend in off-shore and lack of support with another company that specializes in membership websites. They were bought by Personify and the ultimate goal seems to be to "drive us away" from the platform and start using their other products which are way more expensive.  Looks like this is a similar nefarious plan.  If I wanted to do something like that, I would be building more on WIX.  Not quite as flexible, but if I want help, I can talk to a real person who calls ME in a couple of minutes.  That's impressive.  Homestead...not so much. 

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11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

1 year ago

Hi Lynn. 

I would like to review this call, so we can take appropriate action. Would you mind providing me the phone number you called from? You can post it privately if you prefer. 



482 Messages


11.4K Points

I called from 410-493-4984.  I spoke with fake name "Rachel."

482 Messages


11.4K Points

PS: I am glad YOU are still out there.  I like you.

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11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

OK thank you, we'll review this call. 

482 Messages


11.4K Points

I got a phone message from the main Homestead number that said, "we want to speak with you further" about this problem, but they didn't leave a name, a return call number, nor did they call back. That was 4 days ago.  This is the kind of thing that is very irritating and will drive customers away.  I am actively exploring my options...even if it means rebuilding 12 websites. 

49 Messages


854 Points


I think me too they all sound the same although they are doing a good job ...I

Again my anger is towards the second half  taking care of advance tech ...

49 Messages


854 Points

1 year ago

To Add, I've been with homestead for more than 10 years maybe more than that. 

4 weeks ago, I had a problem with my site having SSL through cloudfare set up. 

So, I started calling Homestead support, I was impressed with quick and prompt phone pick up better than other companies. BUT, when my issue with my site couldn't be fixed for nearly 3 weeks,  I lost lots of money with Adwords, I lost prospective customers, I have a huge concern with Advance Tech support which miserably failed to fix my problem for a mind boggling 3 weeks...


After at last they fixed my site which came online....After two days, It is offline again...someone changed the Record A again ...and i Think it wnet offline again

Homestead has nearly destroyed my position on google, I keep getting punished and I don't know by Which advance tech support.....



482 Messages


11.4K Points

Not to say they shouldn't have fixed this, or helped you get it fixed, but it looks like a Security Certificate (SSL) issue.  You should be able to activate that yourself easy enough by going to your DOMAINS Manager on the log in page.  Choose that option>choose that domain> make sure the SSL is activated or activate it yourself.  IF you happen to be using the Cloudflare service from when they first required it several years ago, sign into cloudflare and check it there.  The "free" Cloudflare does not have phone support, but I recently asked a question in their "Community Forum" and got several good answers pretty quickly.

49 Messages


854 Points

homestead support 4 weeks ago let me delet cloudfare so I rely on homestead now confidence in homestead after 12 years is quickly getting diminished 

482 Messages


11.4K Points

So if your certificate is with Homestead now, did you check to see if your SSL was activated under the Domain name?  It might be good to look at it to be sure it's "ON."  Losing business because of a setting is bad.  I hope it is something simple like that.

The "service" is so awful now.  It makes me sad. They used to be great. 

49 Messages


854 Points

Well they asked me to not touch anything 2 weeks ago and they will fix everything .and till now it's dead ...showing same old error 1001

SSl is activated as per the system ..the nameservers are Homestead....

i have told csr today to inform high tech that the A records what homestead is asking and saying are different on my domain hosting

There is a one digit difference .....

....i asked her tell them .... l

already informed csr  bella today ..and im not..touching or doing anything as i want them to check everything and make this site live again ......

* I m only concerned that my above concern is being conveyed to senior techs ...

.I'm just too tired I didn't do any trips and I have serious bills business at all ....


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11.2K Messages


146.4K Points

@adnan8714 This ticket is actively being worked on. I keep following up with our advanced support team on it. I apologize for the length of time that you've been dealing with this. I will let you know as soon as I hear any update about this being resolved. 

@lynn1286 We are currently experiencing issues with 1001 errors on websites. We are looking into this and will get this resolved as quickly as possible. 

482 Messages


11.4K Points

1 year ago

And the hits just keep on coming.  I attempted to attach a domain name to a new site yesterday.  Surprise, there is a DNS issue (AGAIN) and it's been 2 full days and there are no solutions in sight.  While the name lives at GoDaddy, alas their website builder is inferior for my needs.  I am in the process of re-building it on WIX (where real people who have more than a "prepared script" answer the phone, call you back and solve problems.)  I am going to miss the flexibility of Website Builder, but I have had just about enough of this.

49 Messages


854 Points

My friend your in for a big surprise ...but I hope and pray you don't go through what I'm going through right now ...30+ days ...

482 Messages


11.4K Points

Well I can surely rebuild a site somewhere else in less than 30 days.  That's a long time not to have your site work in 2024.  I am sorry you are having such issues.   Maybe they should use some of that fancy AI stuff to fix it.  

49 Messages


854 Points

30 days ....Rebuilding a site is not a issue , check  10 web and your mind will get boggled...sign free ....transfer your site through AI in few minutes into wp platform ....then give the final edits for customization ....and you'll be done in 1 day ....and i have more idieas .but I am not interested as i was happy with these guys and i want to continue with them ...but what is happening to me and us s heartbreaking. 

Homestead plsss wake up ....please 

482 Messages


11.4K Points

Oh, WOW!  I tried it out and it is pretty darn close to what I built (done in about 5 mins).  Pricing is also comparable.  I am distrustful of the AI stuff and I do hate Wordpress very much, but this shell isn't awful.  That company is in the Indian Ocean territory.  Suspicious. Wordpress tools are a pain, but I can learn if I have to.  My problem right now is that the non-working site is time sensitive for a charitable project.  I would definitely like to remain with Homestead for new projects, but we will have to see if any of the "back end" issues improve...and quickly.

49 Messages


854 Points

See we have options. But again  I'm used to Homestead and I don't wana go even its been 30+ days ... 

Maybe after all this bashing somebody will wake up

49 Messages


854 Points

1 year ago

Even after all the frustration and being upset with Homestead....I still believe Homestead has a quicker customer support than wix 

It's just I am suffering after 12 years of good service....and somehow im experincing 3rd party tech support  with them for the first time ...and lack of good technicians ....which I am expediting for the first time ....and with great frustration...I don't know when this will end ....


482 Messages


11.4K Points

Oh, they pick up the phone pretty quick, but no one really has any answers and since they flat out tell you they aren't trained on this or that, I have to believe that they just hired a bunch of people overseas and set them to work.  The woman I last talked to kept refering to the tech people as "admin support."  What they really need are developers and knowledgeable technicians who know how to fix things.  It is obvious that the problem is with Cloudflare.  I have an old account at Cloudflare that I can sign into and it is very advanced and complicated.  I don't even know what half of it IS. I will say that if I need support at WIX, they give me the option to call me back and have done so within minutes. So, my conclusion is that it is not as impressive that they pick up the phone, but WHO answers it. 


49 Messages


854 Points

1 year ago

Honestly no comments on support ....or I will literally burn down my computer with frustration...just hope would know what's happening to its customers ...cause technically we are there customers too....let's pray to the lord they wake up and do something and fix all this new dns problems all of us are having .....

482 Messages


11.4K Points

I am not a conspiracy kind of girl, but it surely looks like they are trying to push us OUT of Homestead and into  The thing is, why would that even be a consideration if this lack of action is costing so many customers time and money?  

49 Messages


854 Points

Oh my God , I swear I was thinking the same thing and told the csr the same let's hope it's not true ......somehow I think may be I have an old plan with them and maybe the new owners thought to flush us out ...I can't believe you would think this too ...

Honestly, 30+ days and they couldn't put me back ..I just don't have the energy to make a site or transfer all my sites for now ...but I don't know how much I'll be forced and punished .....

482 Messages


11.4K Points

I, too, have an ancient account in which I manage quite a few websites and clients pay me for that.  I guess they ARE trying to get rid of these so they can make more money individually.  Perhaps not so much of a conspiracy, eh?

49 Messages


854 Points

1 year ago

We're in the same boat I guess

23 Messages


358 Points

1 year ago

I understand your frustration. My emails are not sending and it has negatively impacted my business. I cannot get help from customer service.

49 Messages


854 Points

1 year ago

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