elyzabethv's profileBrand User

11K Messages


144.8K Points

Monday, September 18th, 2023 6:10 PM

WebsiteBuilder- Publishing Delays

WebsiteBuilder- Publishing Delays

We received reports that WebsiteBuilder sites were not publishing in a timely fashion. 

Our engineering team increased the memory on the publishing servers for Website Builder and the publish queue has been cleared. Website Builder sites should publish in a reasonable time.

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20 Messages


332 Points

10 months ago

Is this still an ongoing issue?

72 Messages


980 Points

10 months ago

My store is 404 and has been all day. I called a few hours ago and was told it would be up and running soon. I am losing business orders.  Please help


72 Messages


980 Points

10 months ago

My store is 404 and has been all day. I called a few hours ago and was told it would be up and running soon. I am losing business orders.  Please help


5 Messages


110 Points

10 months ago

I changed the Domain Association for my website and published the updated site 72 hours ago. It has still not updated. I am getting Error 404 message when I try to view it on Microsoft Edge, a blank black screen when I try to view it on Firefox, and a blank white screen when I try to view it on Safari. Is this the publishing issue? When will this be resolved? I cannot have my website down for this long; that's why I rebuilt it in a separate site and just changed the association when it was finished.

If this is not the publishing issue, what is it and what can I do about it? I need this resolved ASAP.

5 Messages


110 Points

@james3939​ followup on this: nevermind, found the Error404 Fix page and that fixed the problem