william4443's profile

14 Messages


392 Points

Saturday, January 13th, 2024 4:23 PM

My site no longer updates when I publish. Was told something about Sitebuilder Desktop.

I don't understand what Sitebuilder Desktop is and I don't understand what you want me to use.  This website was handed to me several years ago and I have been updating to maintain it but the changes I make no longer publishes to website.  This is a volunteer position and I'm not a computer person.  Do you have someone that can help transfer to the new site or must this be a start over process?  Can I call someone and walk me through this?

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435 Messages


10.9K Points

8 months ago

SiteBuilder is a really old platform and it is not surprising that it is lacking in responsiveness.  The answer is to rebuild it in WebsiteBuilder which is much better.  Unfortunately, the site cannot be "transferred" to the new platform.  The process is a lot of cutting and pasting, copying image and doc files.  It's not hard but a bit time consuming.  Homestead does have people who can do this for you.  If you are interested, I have "remodeled" a number of old Homestead sites onto the new templates for other businesses.  I will be happy to "talk you through" the process, or help do it for you.  You can see some examples on my own Homestead site at www.picturethismultimedia.com and just get in touch if you need some one-on-one help.  picturethismultimedia@comcast.net