82 Messages
1K Points
Image violation
Anyone ever had a picture fail to upload due to an image violation? There is nothing odd or unusual about this particular image and it is certainly original, so not sure why it is getting flagged.
82 Messages
1K Points
Anyone ever had a picture fail to upload due to an image violation? There is nothing odd or unusual about this particular image and it is certainly original, so not sure why it is getting flagged.
1.9K Messages
19.2K Points
3 months ago
You may need to upload the image to another ap to change the file name to gif, png, or jpg.
Upload your image using the Lunapic ap at https://www194.lunapic.com/editor/. You'll be able to edit the size, shape, border, and even add text. It's a flexible tool that'll enable you to produce images like you never thought possible. Save and rename the image using the appropriate file name, jpg, png, gif or jpg.
482 Messages
11.4K Points
3 months ago
I have had that issue with quite a few over the last couple of months. It's some weird upload glitch I think (or the server is down.) I just wait a little while and do it again and have ALL of them that showed that error ultimately upload. It's a pain, but I don't think there is much we can do about it. PS: It always seems to happen when there is no one at Homestead working.