13 Messages


186 Points

Saturday, July 27th, 2024 4:19 AM

gibberish on website using site builder

First off, I've been doing my websites on homestead for over 20 years. I have never had an issue like this.

There's gibberish in my text boxes on my site, but not showing up in site builder. I try to update and fix, delete, new element, retype, etc nothing works. I am on MAC. I have not been happy with the site builder on the web and no download option, but this is the worst issue I can't seem to fix. 

How can I get my site working without gibberish again?!?! HELP!

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1.7K Messages


17.1K Points

1 month ago

Give it a try! Create a new site today and enjoy all the new features!

13 Messages


186 Points

thanks for the link. I really appreciate you sending it .

Unfortunately, it looks like I have to pay to utilize it, or even see what my options would be, and since I'm pretty disappointed with homestead, after 22-23 years, this may be the final straw. I'm not paying more when I suddenly can't access what I've already been paying for. I have a major issue on my site with no notice or way to fix it on the existing builder. It has affected my business. I will maybe try calling them Monday as a last ditch effort, but this may be what finally loses me and sends me to a competitor. Really disappointed in Homestead.

1.7K Messages


17.1K Points

You'll have to pay anywhere else as well. What builder are you using. Are you using Sitebuilder Desktop, Sitebuilder Plus, or Websitebuilder?

13 Messages


186 Points

After 23 years and my site suddenly not posting without gibberish, and no way to fix, it may be time to pay someone else. I use site builder on MAC on their site.

13 Messages


186 Points

Welp... talking with customer service pretty much confirmed my fears. Terrible service and no way to transfer all 5 of my sites over to the new builder at once or easily. And the glitch on site builder they've known about and didn't alert anyone and it's been happening for a week. I'll check out the one site they opened for me "as a favor" to see the new builder, but the service response alone was enough for me to leave. I can't believe they care that little about someone who's been paying them monthly for over two decades. Disappointing.