4 Messages
100 Points
Domain Association or Problem with Store - Website not showing up
I have been building a website and created a domain name. Somehow, I attached the domain name to the wrong website! I think I fixed that by changing the association. I'm not sure, but at least the domain name is showing up as the site I am working on.
I have created content and want to see how it really looks on the screen, so I published it (after marking it to not show up on search engines and creating a password for each of the pages so people do not find it and look at the work in progress). I have other websites I have created here and Preview is not accurate. It might show up nicely there, but sometimes I have to go back and edit after publishing because the content fits differently on the screen when viewing the actual website, not through the Preview.
When I clicked Publish for the current website I am working on, I received an error message saying, "We'd love to publish your site, but your Store is not ready for Publish yet. Finish your Store of publish your site without the Store. I clicked the option to Publish without Store, but when I try to go to the web address, I get this message:
When attempting to reach the site, I get this message:
This site can’t be reached
(my website) refused to connect.
- Checking the connection
- Checking the proxy and the firewall
I do not need or want a store for this website - it is informational. I used a template from the WebsiteBuilder to start with and a store was on it, but I did not know that when I chose that template. So, I went in to Manage Pages and removed the store. I got a message then, saying I had to do it on the Store page. I went to the Store page in WebsiteBuilder, but there was no option to remove the store, only to set it up. So now I am stuck on that issue, maybe the former issue as well, I am not sure because I can't see the published site yet. When there is a change to the domain name or association, I understand that it could take some time for the change to take effect. I am wondering if I just need to be patient.
I am not sure if this problem with the domain association mistake or the store. Please help. I want to see my hours of work and get this project completed for customers to visit the site.
Thank you!!! :)
1.9K Messages
19K Points
11 months ago
What's the website URL?
5 Messages
90 Points
10 months ago
whre is my website to make changes