14 Messages
360 Points
Can't add photos like I used to
I wanted to put a kitten photo back on my site for sale. Could not get into my images. Finally got to them. Uploaded photo I wanted, and photo covered entire screen. Didn't seem to be any way to make it smaller. I had been able to more things around a little, take off photo and add different one. Could not figure it out at all today. It's my forestdolls.net page. I'm so frustrated. It's like they have made this site incredibly difficult for the person who barely knows what to do. Homestead used to be a wonderful place for the computer illiterate to set up a small sales website. I can't pay someone to make a site for me. I don't have that type of business. I raise a few kittens, I need to be able to go in and remove or add photos as they sell or don't sell. This is really SAD today.
1.9K Messages
19.3K Points
11 months ago
Download the photo to your computer and upload it to Lunapic: https://www5.lunapic.com/editor/.
There you can resize the photo accordingly. Also, you can simply select the photo, highlighting it, and adjust size by pulling it a the corners with your mouse.