joyce4548's profile

12 Messages


330 Points

Thursday, April 18th, 2024 10:55 PM

Can't add photos like I used to

I wanted to put a kitten photo back on my site for sale. Could not get into my images. Finally got to them. Uploaded photo I wanted, and photo covered entire screen. Didn't seem to be any way to make it smaller. I had been able to more things around a little, take off photo and add different one. Could not figure it out at all today. It's my page. I'm so frustrated. It's like they have made this site incredibly difficult for the person who barely knows what to do. Homestead used to be a wonderful place for the computer illiterate to set up a small sales website. I can't pay someone to make a site for me. I don't have that type of business. I raise a few kittens, I need to be able to go in and remove or add photos as they sell or don't sell.   This is really SAD today.


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1.9K Messages


19.1K Points

10 months ago

Download the photo to your computer and upload it to Lunapic:

There you can resize the photo accordingly. Also, you can simply select the photo, highlighting it, and adjust size by pulling it a the corners with your mouse.

12 Messages


330 Points

Thanks for your reply. I do know how to resize by pulling in corners. Homestead made the photo fill entire computer screen. I had no place to grab. After a couple hours, I did figure out selecting a different layout, which allowed various number of photos and writing. Found one suitable for page I was working on. Will have to upgrade from the tiny package to one more workable. Wish Homestead did not hide their prices so well.

I hate change with computer programs or software. Still using a Kodak easy share program to resize and fix photos. Its outdated with no support. I've got 27,000 photos in it. Original Homestead site, I've spent almost 20 years putting photos, information in. You would totally laugh at my outdated windows 7 I'm limping along with.

I do appreciate those who answer questions on this site.
