677 Messages


44.6K Points

Tuesday, July 28th, 2020 5:12 PM

Site Spotlight - www.aplaceofherown.org


1. Can you provide a description of your business?

A PLACE OF HER OWN(TM)  workshops and culminating exhibition for healing uses intuitive art making processes for self-reflection and group sharing to address ancestral and familial trauma. This process brings old HUNGRY GHOSTS (old patterns born from trauma) to light. Challenging these patterns and beliefs allows participants up to release them, including links to individual, family, cultural, and historical dysfunction. With the goal of claiming our aspirations and self-worth, the culminating art exhibition provides participants with a platform to artistically answer and share their response to: “If you had a place of your own, what would it be?” San Francisco Based

We are largely supported by volunteerism, fundraising, small grants and considering becoming a non-profit.

2. How did you get started in this business?

I am a visual artist that focuses on femininity, spirituality and healing. I am the board president and a curator for a women's art organization and began A PLACE OF HER OWN back in 2009 as away to help women artists talk about trauma and pain as a way to get to their aspirations and answer the question with found object art, "If you had a place of your own, what would it be?" We focus on mainly Asian American women, women of color, but are open to all women.

3. How do you market your business?

Through arts and women's organizations, art shows,social media and e-announcements

4. How has technology, such as computers and the internet, impacted on how you conduct business?

It is the only way we could get the word out to interested participants and audience members, funders and donors.

5. How important is social media to your business

It is vital to show case the art work created and the process of the workshops.
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