hoffmanstoys3447's profile

48 Messages


1.7K Points

Friday, May 3rd, 2024 6:53 PM

Why is Website not updating when published?

I've updated my website on 3 pages and it isn't showing any changes when it is published.  I've refreshed and tried everything I kinow to do.  My cache is empty, I've refreshed multiple times and have closed my browser and tried again.  Nothing is working so wanted to know if an issue was going on or if others are having this problem. 

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1.5K Messages


15.3K Points

3 months ago

WEBSITE PAGE NOT PUBLISHING: Are you using Google Chrome or Firefox browser? Try that.

1. Try an F5 to Refresh your browser.
2. Publishing will be prohibited if you exceed your page limit or your storage limit. Does your account allow for 25 MB of disk space? If you are attempting to exceed that amount, so it will not publish.
3. You may add 1gb of space for $2/month.
4. you can look in the file manager and see if there are files no longer on a page that you can delete to free up some space.
5. To see your used and remaining storage space, go to homestead.com and log into your account. Select My Account > Account Summary > In the page that opens, you'll see your site stats, including the amount of MB used and remaining.
6. Do you have a 5 page plan? You may be trying to publish more than 5 pages. You can either remove pages to get down to 5, or you can add a 10/pack, 10 additional pages for $2/month.
7. Have you tried publishing from the file manager? https://community.homestead.com/homestead/topics/why-are-my-changes-not-publishing.

Have you reviewed your website publishing limitations?

Publishing will be prohibited if you've exceeded your page limit or your storage limit. Does your account allow for 25mb of disk space? If you are attempting to exceed that amount, it will not publish.

You can look in the file manager and see if there are files no longer on a page that you can delete to free up some space.

To see your used and remaining storage space, go to homestead.com and log into your account. Select My Account > Account Summary > In the page that opens, you'll see your site stats, including the amount of MB used and remaining.

Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

3 months ago


I do not know of any issues with websites publishing. Sometimes, it does get put in a queue and takes some time. Did the changes eventually publish or are they still not displaying?

18 Messages


296 Points

2 months ago

I’m having a very similar issue. Have tried to update a page repeatedly over the last several days. The changes show correctly in the site preview, and the changes are saved. But the changes don’t appear when the site is viewed. Have tried multiple devices and browsers, and clearing browser caches to no avail. Oddly, the site will occasionally view with a recent save - but not ever the latest one. I’ve checked all of the account-based items listed above, and am nowhere near any limits. Any suggestions?

18 Messages


296 Points

@steve7810​ Please disregard my comment above; I've opened a separate post to discuss my issue (https://community.homestead.com/conversations/troubleshooting/website-changes-not-publishing/664cad4e686aef4f27a43055 if anyone else is interested). Thanks.