The link won't be there if you are using the desktop version instead of the Plus version. I updated the Official Response above to include instructions for both versions of SiteBuilder. If you are still having problems let us know.
How do you remove a file from the files upload? It seems that I am gathering more and more KB's and not able to manage the uploaded files...I want to remove some to make more space...this website just seems to be a vaccuum that wont let you take files out...
How can I delete all 434 files on a old web site and starte new ? Erasing them one by one is way to slow with Sitebuilder Plus. At least with desk top sitebuilder, it let me erase all of the files at one time and was much faster, Thank You Steve
You can delete all files from the File Manager, or, you could just start a new site which will automatically override and wipe everything out. See this thread;
I need ftp instructions in order to upload my web design to my site. Is this possible or can you only build a site using intuit templetes? I had a web designer build mine, but she cannot upload it.
If you've created a site with other software you will not be able to edit it with out SiteBuilder, but you can upload the pages through the File Manager located in the SiteBuilder.
I would like to create a drop down menu and find that I cannot do this with the intuit software from homestead. I'm considering purchasing a webpage creating program to make certain pages and am wondering if can upload those onto the homestead server?
There is not an FTP site available, rather you upload bulk items via the file manager screen. Read the steps above closely as there are directions for both versions of SiteBuilder.
I can't find File Manager on my site. It was there, once upon a time - but now it's gone! When I bring a page up to edit, and I'm asked if I want to start from the last save or not, it doesn't make any difference which option I choose, I still can't get the File Manager.
I have the new Microsoft operating system (8 ?). Could this have anything to do with it?
If you've created web pages with any 3rd party software, you can upload them through our SiteBuilder even if you don't use our SiteBuilder to create the site. The hosting plan you are currently signed up for will only accommodate a 3 page site but we have numerous upgrades or other plans available if that is not enough. If you still have questions please let us know.
do i have to delete my pages one by one? how do i choose to delete say 100 pages all at once? check all button? check some check boxes like in an email?
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
I can't access the file manager... It is not showing up....
I am following the provided instructions for accessing the file manager but I do not see the link as described in the help section...
Please assist me...
7 Messages
262 Points
11 years ago
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
How do I remove uploaded files?.
How do you remove a file from the files upload? It seems that I am gathering more and more KB's and not able to manage the uploaded files...I want to remove some to make more space...this website just seems to be a vaccuum that wont let you take files out...
3 Messages
174 Points
11 years ago
Can I delete 434 files in one web page at once ?.
How can I delete all 434 files on a old web site and starte new ? Erasing them one by one is way to slow with Sitebuilder Plus. At least with desk top sitebuilder, it let me erase all of the files at one time and was much faster, Thank You Steve
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
Can you upload a web design to an inuit website, or do you have to use intuit templetes?.
I need ftp instructions in order to upload my web design to my site. Is this possible or can you only build a site using intuit templetes? I had a web designer build mine, but she cannot upload it.
11 Messages
332 Points
11 years ago
can I create a page with other software program and load it onto my existing page.
I would like to create a drop down menu and find that I cannot do this with the intuit software from homestead. I'm considering purchasing a webpage creating program to make certain pages and am wondering if can upload those onto the homestead server?
11 Messages
332 Points
11 years ago
can I use my own software program to create pages for homestead to host.
can I transfer to webhosting the pages created with a different web page software creation program?
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
how can I get to the file manager to upload my website the first time?.
I created my own template. I just need to publish it, but I don't see the file manager any where in the site.
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
what is my ftp address.
trying to locate my ftp address to load a photo slide i made
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
How do I access file manager on sitebuilder plus.
I want to delete stuff from file manager but can't find File Manager on sitebuilder plus. Any help?
2 Messages
144 Points
11 years ago
I can't find File Manager on my site. It was there, once upon a time - but now it's gone! When I bring a page up to edit, and I'm asked if I want to start from the last save or not, it doesn't make any difference which option I choose, I still can't get the File Manager.
I have the new Microsoft operating system (8 ?). Could this have anything to do with it?
5 Messages
224 Points
11 years ago
How do I delete files?.
Photos that I no longer need I would like to delete. How do I do that?
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
trying to upload templates to my site but I NEED HOSTNAME USERNAME and PASWWORD FOR filzilla.
trying to upload templates to my site but I NEED HOSTNAME USERNAME and PASWWORD FOR filzilla
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
I like the web pages I have, but would like to change to Homestead. How can I do this?.
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
Deleting multiple pages at once.
do i have to delete my pages one by one? how do i choose to delete say 100 pages all at once? check all button? check some check boxes like in an email?