homestead_faq's profileBrand User

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Wednesday, July 17th, 2019 9:11 PM

Sitebuilder Plus: Using the Master Page Feature

Sitebuilder Plus: Using the Master Page Feature
If you are using Sitebuilder Plus and choose a master template, then you can easily add some elements to all pages in your site. Here's how. 

If you press the button between page settings and insert, you will see the yellow bar. This indicates changes will be made to all pages. In this example, the company name is Master Template and the phone number and the navigation element will all be on the master page. When done, click the Return to Page button inside the yellow bar and you will be back editing the individual page. 

You will also see the indicated check box. This will show/hide elements on the page you are editing. This can help you easily arrange elements on the master page by seeing the placement once the elements from the individual page are added. 

8 Messages


342 Points

4 years ago

There is no button between page settings and insert. 
Brand User

7.6K Messages


106.7K Points


If the builder does not have this button you may have chosen a design without the master template feature. Content will need to be manually added to each page. You can use keyboard copy(ctrl+c)/paste(ctrl+v) to add elements to multiple pages.