homestead_faq's profileBrand User

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Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 3:11 PM

Sitebuilder Plus: Link an Image to Another Page

Sitebuilder Plus: Link an Image to Another Page
Here are instructions to link an image on your website to another page.
  1. Click Websites Managerin the left navigation menu. Then, click on the Edit Site.

  2. Go to the page with the image you want to link.

  3. Click on the image so it's highlighted.

  4. With the image highlighted, on the right in Image Settings click Link. You may have to scroll down to see it.

  5. In the Link window, finalize the link settings.

  6. What do you want to link to?
    • Existing Page or File -- Use this if you'd like to link the text to another page within your website.

    • URL (Web Address) -- Use this if you'd like to link to another website.

    • Email Address -- Use this if you'd like the text to link to an email address.

    • Another Area on this page -- Use this if you'd like the text to link to another area on the same page.

    How do you want the link to open?
    Choose open in the same window or in a new browser window.

  7. Save and Publish your website to see the text link live.

661 Messages


75.4K Points

6 years ago

24 Messages


528 Points

5 years ago

Hi, I understand the explanation of how to link images to another page on my site, but, I am not ready to publish my site to see how the link works. I'm not sure how publishing the site before it is finished will affect my editing and I don't want to replace my old site until this new mobile friendly version is done. Help!

Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

Publishing your site will not effect your editing, but if you aren't ready to publish, simply wait until you are. You can see how anything will work on your site by using the preview option.

24 Messages


528 Points

The preview option does not show me how the link works.

24 Messages


528 Points

I want to link an image in a gallery to a page. when I click on the image that I've asked to link to a page, it opens the image still and not the page. 

661 Messages


75.4K Points

CREATE A LINK TO ANOTHER ELEMENT ON A DIFFERENT PAGE: You can select the URL from the address line and paste it into your Link command box. If the image or text on the page has an anchor link, you can select that element and the URL will include that specific element. Using that URL address will target that specific element. For example: Select any element on the page and produce an anchor link for that element. Save and publish. Use your browser, navigate and select that element in your site. You will see that the URL address has changed to include the anchor linked item. Copy that URL and paste that as your target link in your Link command box in Image Settings or Text Settings.

24 Messages


528 Points

I have no idea what this means. What is an anchor link? I dont want to link to an element. I want to link to one of my pages! I don't want to publish yet, I want to see how it works first and if I can make it do what I want.

21 Messages


524 Points

5 years ago

 Where can I find this "turn off setting "pop-up when clicked"? In Website Builder
Brand User

10.9K Messages


143.9K Points

Click on the image, click More > Advanced > Size & Postition. The setting will be under that section.