tom_franco's profile

1 Message


406 Points

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012 4:20 PM

Sitebuilder Plus: Edit Page Width/Length

Here are some instructions on adjusting the width and length of your webpges.

Adjusting the width on individual pages:

The default width of each page is 800 pixels. You can adjust the width of each page on your website in the options under Page Settings.
  1. Click Websites Manager in the left navigation menu.

  2. Click Edit Site.

  3. Click Page Settings in the top toolbar and go to the Background, Links, Footer tab. Adjust the page width for this page only.

  4. Once you have edited the page width, Save and Publish your website.

Adjusting the width for all pages at once:

  1. Login to your website account.

  2. Click Websites Manager link in the left navigation menu.

  3. Click Edit Site.

  4. Click on the heading icon in the top toolbar.

  5. Click Page Settings.

  6. Change the page width. When you've finished changing the width, Save and Publish your website.

Adjusting the length of a webpage:

The length of your page is determined automatically based on the size and position of all the objects on your page.

  • To make your page shorter, find the element at the bottom of your page, and drag it up with your mouse.

  • To make your page longer, find the bottom element and drag it down.

Tip: There's technically no limit to the length and width your page can be, although for design and usability purposes,you should avoid making your pages too wide or too long.

Hope that helps!

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6 Messages


444 Points

11 years ago

I have changed the width of my pages, but they look silly at 1200 because my screen is so much bigger. I would like to fill the screen, but realize that it will be irritating to others who have a smaller screen. Has the option of % been added?? Would be really nice!
If not, how do I get the image to be centered after I enlarge it? Right now it is lopsided with my content more to the right side.
Thank you!

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

This is a great conversation that's separate from the main topic, so I created a new idea to continue the discussion.

Please reference the new topic here: I think it would be great to be able to set page width by a percentage(%) instead...

10 Messages


768 Points

11 years ago

Page length:
How do I remove some rows in the middle of the page without dragging everything below those rows up?
Let's say I have a page with 10,000 rows. I want to remove rows 4,500 to 5,000. There was a picture in that spot which I deleted.
Now there is a blank space there.
I would like to just high-lite those rows and delete them.
How do I do that?

782 Messages


184.8K Points

What is the site name and page name you are referring to. Our SiteBuilder does not create rows, so I am a little unsure of what you are asking me. I'll take a look at the page to get an understanding.


10 Messages


768 Points

It has nothing to do with a given site! It is a "VIEW" feature called "RULER"; another one is "GRID"! When you turn it on, it gives you rows and colums like a spreadsheet!

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Sorry but the ruler and grid is only there so you can visually line up the elements on the page. it does not have any function as far as the design of the site goes. You can't delete, or add rows and columns to the grid.


10 Messages


768 Points

You don't understand: I only used the ruler to explain what I need to do! I know that they don't serve any real purpose in editing; that's why I am here asking!
Let me try again: In the middle of a long web page I removed one picture. Now there is an empty space there. How do I get rid of that empty space? Since it is in the middle of a huge page I can't just move up the content below it to fill the gap.

782 Messages


184.8K Points

You can't just eliminate a void space. You'll have to move the other content to fill in the space. Your web pages have specific dimensions, therefor you'll have to manually adjust the content.

2 Messages


132 Points

11 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Need help setting up pages, cant get website to center itself. Been working with it for awhile..

When building my website. Once i set up the page and under page properties i center content. When viewing on web brower it isnt centered. I have adjusted the background and the elements and it looks center in the website builder. But when i view its not centered.

11 Messages


272 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
How can I change the site navigation width? It is blocked under Position and Size. I need more room to display my page names. Thank you..

My website template for the site navigation menu only has a width of 536. I would like to display more page names. However, when I go to edit the site navigation, the width field is blocked. What options do I have?

4 Messages


192 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
My website pages only cover half the page. How do I widen the pages to cover the whole page?.

2 Messages


132 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Gray box on edit screen.

I can't edit my published site. Every time I try to edit the site, the website manager loads with a giant gray checked box over the edit screen, I can only see the far left side of the screen. Because of this I have parts of the website that are not lined up properly and a spelling mistake that I can't see to correct! Help please

782 Messages


184.8K Points

For some reason your page width is set to only 58px. Follow the steps above to increase the width. I would suggest setting it to about 1000 px, and then adjusting up or down from there.


3 Messages


162 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
can i build my web page using 1024 width and after building change the width to 760 px.

I want my web pages to show on different screens like mobile, laptop and PC

782 Messages


184.8K Points

You can set the width a shown above, but I'm not sure if I fully understand your question. It will not auto-adjust for mobile if that is what you are thinking. If you want, and expect a significant amount of mobile traffic, you'll really wan to create an a mobile version of the site.


4 Messages


162 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Page width changes even when saved and published.

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Once you set the page width according to the instructions above, it will not change. If you are still having problems please tell us the page names and explain in more detail what you are seeing on your end.


4 Messages


162 Points

There's no Heading icon in the top toolbar after clicking Websites manager. How do I fix the width for all pages at once.

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

You have to click Edit Site and then continue to follow the steps above.

11 Messages


346 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
I cant see the full page in my Site builder..

I cant see the full page in my Site builder. It cuts off on the screen and does not allow me to center my objects becasue Im not getting the full page view on my site builder.

782 Messages


184.8K Points

You have elements on the page which are wider than the actual page width setting. You'll want to increase the page width (to around 1000 or 1100 px), and then you should be able to center the contents much easier.


4 Messages


184 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
How do I set the framing of the website - i.e. right now it is too wide on the background area and I want only what I built to show.

Need help with setting the parameters of the width on my website - I've built it but it has way too much space on either side [from the basic background of the page] hard to describe

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

You can edit the page width as per thhe above instructions. I wouldn't go over 1200 though as a significant number of people still use 1280 as the width on their monitors..  With so many different resolution options these days, there is going to be some space on the outside of your site.  As an example, my width is set to 1920 pixels on my monitor, but if I developed a website at 1850 pixels to look good on my monitor, the majority of visitors would ave to scroll left and right to view my site.

Hope this helps


1 Message


110 Points

I need to reduce length of some pages but can't figure out how

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

Which pages? The page should get shorter as you remove elements from the bottom of the page.

3 Messages


180 Points

Also make sure you did not select your site from a template because they are preset and once you start they cannot be changed. Make your own template.

2 Messages


132 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Website Editor.

When I go to edit my website, the right hand side of my site is missing from view. So I cannot see if things are uniform or not. Getting very frustrated.

782 Messages


184.8K Points

It looks like you just need to increase the page width of your pages.  Follow the steps here.  A good starting point is about 1000 pixels. You can always increase, or decrease it from there.

Let us know if you have any other problems.


10 Messages


768 Points

My original question was added to this blog. Maybe I'll ask again:

How can I remove a blank space after removing some content in the middle of a page? Let's say I have 500 pictures on a page and delete # 250. Now I have an empty spot there. How can I remove it short of highlighting 249 picture below the empty spot and try to drag them up a little???

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Sven0797,  This question was answered several months ago, and I'm afraid what you want to do is still not possible. The removal of one element from a page does not change the location of other elements below it.

When you place any element on a page (text, pictures etc), the sitebuilder records the location (which you can see in the properties editor). Each element is set a certain number of pixels from the top left corner of the page. So, in your example, if you remove item 499, out of 1000 items, it does not change the location of items 500-1000. They are fixed at the location you place them.

10 Messages


768 Points

Thank you for your reply :-)

782 Messages


184.8K Points

You're welcome.

2 Messages


132 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
A quarter of the page is not showing up when I try and edit my site..

When I am in edit mode a quarter of the page is not showing up.

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Hi Alex8213,    See steps above.  Under the Page Settings button there is an option to increase the page width. Some of your graphics are wider than the page width setting. Try increasing the page width to about 1100 pixels. Let me know if you still have problems.


4 Messages


214 Points

10 years ago

I have read the above instructions to fix the white margins that were showing on my website. I changed the width to 1200 and centered everything, but now there is still a left white margin (as in everything on my page is centered to the right). How can I fix this?

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

Hello sandraws815462,

What page are you working on?  I don't see a white margin.  What browser do you use?


4 Messages


214 Points

Thanks for the prompt reply! My website is I am working on my home (Index) page as it is the master page and I want changes consistent throughout my other pages. I am using Chrome as my browser. How can I get my website to look the same no matter which browser someone is using to view it?

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

I looked in Firefox and Chrome and they look the same to me.  Can you point out where you see discrepancies?  Below is what I see.  You can click the picture to enlarge.

4 Messages


214 Points

Interesting. So....this may be helpful to those that were experiencing the same problem. It was suggested that I refresh the cache (F5) on my page, which did the trick! As it was explained to me, the page should be able to tell when something (pictures, panels) have been updated, but sometimes they just aren't smart enough. F5 for cache refresh is the manual way to do this yourself.
So....for all those out there who have adjusted the margins with no avail...try this.
Thanks for your time Drew N.

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

It is true about the f5.  Actually this is usually a setting in the browser about how often it looks for a new version of the page.  f5 says go get it regardless of if it is new or not.


3 Messages


152 Points

10 years ago

782 Messages


184.8K Points

Hi amanda6862, You can increase the page width. Just follow the steps above.  let us know if you run into any problems.


4 Messages


172 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
Horizontal scroll not sufficient.

Sitebuilder Plus - Will no longer allow viewing/editing access to right side of pages. Was working fine, now horizontal scroll won't go far enough to see the last inch or so of the pages.

782 Messages


184.8K Points

,  You probably just need to increase the page width as explained in this help topic.  If you try this and still have a problem, let us know which page the problem is with.
