677 Messages
44.6K Points
Sitebuilder Plus: Custom Form

Here is information to create a custom form.
- Click Websites Manager in the left navigation menu. Then, click Edit Site.
- Click Insert in the top toolbar, select More from the drop-down menu, and choose Build a Custom Form.
- Checkbox: Ideal when you want your visitors to be able to choose multiple answers to a particular question, or even if you have a single option, such as joining a mailing list or agreeing to a document.
- Drop-down Menu: If you have a long list of options, and you want your visitors to choose only one from the list use Drop-down Menu. The menu will only show the selected option at first, but clicking the menu open will show all of the available options in the list.
- Listbox: A good choice when you want your visitors to select one option from a choice of options, and you want them to be able to see all of their options. Listbox is automatically sized according to the length of the list, and is a good choice if you have limited room on your web page.
- Multiple Line Textbox: This is the best choice when you want people to be able to submit large pieces of text through your web page. It's the essay question section of your form.
- One Line Textbox: This is a good choice when you want your visitors to submit small pieces of information, such as a name, zip code, or email address.
- Option Buttons: Best used when you want your visitors to select only one option from a choice of two or more options. The best example is Yes or No.
- Reset Button: Allows visitors to clear all of the fields in the form and start again from scratch.
- Submit Button: Probably the most important, because it allows your visitors to send the information in their completed form to you. You can choose to have the information sent directly to your email address, saved as a text file in the Form Manager of your website account, or both!
- Save and Publish to see the custom form on your website.
Form Options
All of our Form Elements can be combined to build the type of form you need, because each Form Element serves a specific function. You can easily place the Elements on your webpage to build the perfect form for your needs!
3 Messages
142 Points
11 years ago
Schedule an appointment automatic link.
I added the Schedule an Appointment link to my website. I would like to make it so the only appointments offered are actually during office hours and I would love to change the name of it to "request an appointment". Suggestions?
2 Messages
152 Points
11 years ago
Can I host a job application on my site?.
My site if for a home health agency and we are wanting to set the site up so potential employees can apply on the site. I can't figure out how to do it. Is this possible?
51 Messages
1.7K Points
11 years ago
Contact page.
How can I add contact fields to this page
It was the contact page that came with your site design.
I need to add 10 fields
If I have to start from scratch where can I add the `Please type this phrase`
51 Messages
1.7K Points
11 years ago
How can I add fields from the pre set contact page.
If I have to start from scratch where can I add the `Please type this phrase`
51 Messages
1.7K Points
11 years ago
1.4K Messages
262.9K Points
11 years ago
51 Messages
1.7K Points
11 years ago
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
Sports Website.
I need to be able to create interactive submittable forms and create schedules and register players. what do I need to do? Thank you.
4 Messages
184 Points
11 years ago
My training forms are so jacked up..
I don't know what I am doing wrong. When the form gets sent to me from a client, I have double text. OR the text changes order as written. Or I don't see their answers at all. I am so frustrated. I don't know how to fix it. Is there directions on how to make a form?
9 Messages
386 Points
11 years ago
Do you have a tutorial on how to build a custom form that creates a report that matches up logically to how the form is created?.
I am getting frustrated creating my form. Is there a simple explanation somewhere as to how to create a form so that the tabs go in order and the Report that comes from it makes logical sense? I feel like I'm playing with a puzzle that has a solution, but I have no idea how to solve it...
9 Messages
314 Points
11 years ago
In Simple Store can I add a detailed sign up form?.
I am a consultant for an online publishing company. I have a website provided by that company, and it includes an online digital scrapbooking studio where account holders create storybooks, posters, cards, canvases etc., with their pictures and stories. I find that when I get new clients they often don't activate the accounts I sign them up for, and I'm guessing the website is too overwhelming. I am making this Homestead website as a bridge between me (also my facebook pages) and the company website to slowly introduce the features of the company website as the clients are ready for them.
The company's creative studio is free and NECESSARY. I made a video to put on my Homestead website showing how to go to the company website and sign up, but I would also like to have a detailed sign up form on my Homestead site so I can enter the information for clients who aren't likely to go to the company's website.
How do I do that? I need to include first name, last name, address, phone and a terms and conditions checkbox.
1 Message
114 Points
11 years ago
3 Messages
174 Points
11 years ago
I would like to add an address line and a phone line to the form that comes up with the Contact Button.
I would like to have an idea of where people are living when they fill out the contact button. i would also like a phone number that i can call them but I can't figure out out it. I don't want an entire form on my page just one that comes up when they click on the contact buttonn.
2 Messages
132 Points
11 years ago
Q&A Response box on my website.
Can I add a "box" that has a series of questions that the client can fill in answers and then hit "submit" so that we receive this to work up their bid from?
5 Messages
172 Points
11 years ago
Customizing a "contact us" button to include a required field for phone number.
All I want to do is add a box so that they need to enter in there phone number. I cannot figure out how to do this. Currently, prospective clients click on the button, then a form pops up that has
Please type the code you see on the left.
I want to add phone number to this. Please help.