homestead_faq's profileBrand User

677 Messages


44.6K Points

Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 3:05 PM

Sitebuilder Plus: Center Website

Sitebuilder Plus: Center Website

Here's how to center align your website.

    1. Click Websites Manager on the left, then click Edit Site.

    2. Click Page Settings in the top toolbar.

    3. Click Advanced Settings.

    4. Select the option to Center align this page.

3 Messages


152 Points

10 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled
hello my website looks centered when i look at it but ive had people tell me on their pc its over to the left how can i correct this?.

hello my website looks centered when i look at it but ive had a few people tell me on their pc its over to the left how can i correct this?

782 Messages


184.8K Points

admein508975 make sure you have the page contents centered as shown in this thread.  If you do, but there's still a problem let us know which page it is. 

1 Message


60 Points

10 years ago

I already have this setting in place yet the website site remains left aligned

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points


I don't know when you set it, but your pages all show that you have changed them but not published on 1 site. You may just need to publish. If that doesn't do it, let us know which site.



8 Messages


362 Points

9 years ago

I am having the same problem. I have take screenshots to show you. The one is taken in Homestead and is centred fine. This is on my ipad, but live it is off centre like this on my desktop at the store. I have settings at centre align and at 1024 pixels wide.

8 Messages


362 Points

9 years ago

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

Were you able to resolve this? IT looks centered to me on all pages. What browser are you using?

13 Messages


396 Points

7 years ago

I am building in the new website  WEBSITE BUILDER,  the centering does not work the same  as on the Site Builder.  I get my header looking centers,  click preview and its all off,  how do I center? Majicforestblog

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

There are docking options for elements, but I am not a fan of using them. The responsiveness of the design is hampered by using docking. This is a different type of template than the old fixed width where things could easily be locked in a spot. That is not the type of design that is preferred any longer. I generally drag and drop elements to where I want them. If I need more control, I go to the size an position section of the settings and can position it more precisely.

8 Messages


252 Points

6 years ago

This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled how to set width?.

How do i make sure my site opens in the center of a computer screen.