49 Messages
854 Points
my homestead site showing on google along with my www.website.com pages
So, I guess i need some serious help and advice here
my site was offline for 6 weeks and eventually its live again....
but i have a problem which is that my homestead main page is also showing on google
my actual site is showing i.e, www.domain.ca
but also my domain with homestead is showing which shouldn't
which is www.homesteadcloud.com
So, Should I go to my webmaster tool as devow the homestead
as this should not show and i think might be hurting seo wize
Please advise who really knows as this is duplication of content of two sites on google....
Russel any advice bro? or anyone
1.9K Messages
19.1K Points
11 months ago
Change the site association:
Account: Change Site Association | Homestead Community
MAKE YOUR SITEBUILDER PLUS WEBSITE SECURE: Cloudflare can be used to add a free SSL. Please refer to these instructions. https://community.homestead.com/conversations/sitebuilder-plus/can-i-secure-my-homestead-website-with-https/5f2a9b1658180958845a60de.
If you're having trouble with the Cloudflare setup, you can always call for assistance at 1-800-710-1998.
Follow the steps: https://homesteadssl.com/. If you're having trouble with the Cloudflare setup, you can always call for assistance at 1-800-710-1998