18 Messages
610 Points
All Sites with Domains Registered at Godaddy and Hosted at Cloudflare stopped working
All of my sites that are going from Godaddy to Cloudflare to Homestead suddently stopped working. I haven't touched anything. Called support and they changed an IP at Cloudflare for thebarbershopdenver.com 3 days ago and that didn't help. Here are the 3 sites. I can't figure it out, I'm going to try to temporarily forward the Barbershop site since it's critical that their booking function work. Anyone else have this problem?
4 Messages
100 Points
1 year ago
Yes, same problem here! My site has been down for several days now too.
4 Messages
160 Points
1 year ago
What a disaster! Found out this morning that our store site via Bigcommerce was down for the past few days - right before Christmas. I have done nothing to the settings for years so the issue was not a result of my error. Called tech support and not impressed at how this has gone.
Telling me to update the CNAME for the domain name at CloudFlare has not fixed it. Someone should have communicated this change to all the customers at Homestead rather than letting the sites just randomly quit. I suspect that the change in ownership over to web.com set something in motion that broke the sites. Badly done! To the point that I question even why I want to stay with Homestead/Web.com.
11.2K Messages
146.4K Points
1 year ago
thebarbershopdenver.com and unitinglines.com are working on my end. susconsol.com is still giving an error. I've provisioned the SSL, it is just taking longer than usual to update. I will keep an eye on this one.