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Monday, August 3rd, 2020 4:05 PM

Start a Newsletter

Start a Newsletter
A newsletter is an excellent way to engage with your customers and solidify your relationship with them. We've already talked about why you need an email list, and a some hints on growing that list. Now here's a few ideas for you to get started using that list to send a newsletter.

We highly recommend the use of an email marketing program such as Constant Contact for sending a newsletter. You can segment your mailing list and try different approaches and track the actions of your recipients. This can help your newsletter evolve in content and design to give the maximum benefit to your existing and potential customers.

Subject line

The email subject is extremely important. In many cases it may be the reason that someone does or does not open your email. Here are some great ideas for coming up with a subject line. When you are getting started, you may want to try two or more different subjects and see which one performs the best with your audience.


You can try more than one design and watch to see which ones perform better and adjust the overall design to cater to the desires of your audience, but there are some things to keep in mind. First and foremost, you must make sure your message is mobile friendly. More and more people are reading email on mobile devices, so this is critical.

Use a header for each section of your newsletter. This helps to break up the content and make it easy to see the subject change.

Keep your paragraphs short. If you have more to say then will fit in a sentence or two, then write the full article on your website or blog and give it a quick intro in the newsletter. If the reader finds it relevant, they will click to read the full story.


A newsletter can be a marketing tool, but also much more. It should not be used simply to sell something. The primary function is to provide something of value to your audience. This will help keep your name in the minds of your audience and at the same time make you into their personal subject matter expert. 

Decide what you want to say . You may just want to send one topic, or several. Our goal, in the Homesteader is to highlight features and instructions for Websitebuilder and also provide some information that might help you to better manage or market your business. If you aren't receiving our newsletter and would like to, please sign up here.


If you aren’t using an email marketing program, you need to make sure that you have a clear way to unsubscribe on your message. 

Feel free to have two or more versions of your newsletter and send them to different groups on your mailing list. If you are able to track the emails, you may see some tweaks you can make to the design or content in order to improve open and click rates.

Your ideal send time will depend on your industry and audience. You can experiment with different send times and see which works best for your audience.
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