homestead_faq's profileBrand User

677 Messages


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Thursday, November 29th, 2018 5:38 PM

Site Spotlight -

·Can you provide a description of your business?

My business provides a variety of resources as well as personal coaching sessions for people who struggle with anxiety, panic attacks and fear. 

·How did you get started in this business?

When I was in my senior year in college I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. I was having panic attacks and had a difficult time leaving my home due to all of the symptoms experienced. There were not many resources available back in those days, especially of a faith-based nature. So once I got through that dark time,I resolved to help others by writing a book and workbook, and speaking about how I overcame panic and anxiety.

·How do you market your business?

Marketing through the website, blogs, social media and email marketing via Constant Contact are the primary ways that I promote my business. I am also beginning to use platforms such as, and need to return to doing radio interviews and guest appearances on television shows.

·How has technology, such as computers and the internet,impacted on how you conduct business?

Technology is like a two-edged sword. It can propel you forward, or it can hamper promotion activities. For instance, SEO is ever-changing and I have seen search rankings drop since re-designing my website. Videos are becoming ever-important in order to reach today's customer. So being able to keep up with the technological changes has been a challenge as my time to devote to this venture is very limited.

·How important is social media to your business?

Social media is extremely important...we need to embrace it whether we like it or not. My social media campaigns are weak, but moving forward I plan to have more of a presence on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
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