homestead_faq's profileBrand User

677 Messages


44.6K Points

Monday, October 22nd, 2018 1:25 PM

Site Spotlight -

Can you provide a description of your business?

NGBLMarine Construction Co. is a floating boat dock supplier in the South East fresh water market. We build boat docks, sea walls, piers and provide shoreline erosion repair and prevention services. We are located 90 miles north of Atlanta GA in the mountains of North Georgia. Our clients, Atlanta Professionals,are seeking second homes and vacation opportunities in and around our national forest area we call home.

How did you get started in this business?

NGBLMarine Construction Co. began as an entrepreneurial venture to bring me back to my home town after spending 20 years traveling internationally in the manufacturing world. Tired of the travel and time away from family I was eager to create a business that would bring me back to my roots of lake living and water skiing. My family loves the mountains and the slower passed life of Country Living! Jobs in this area had been limited until more recently when the area became a tourist hot spot, you see my home town died many years ago due to the loss of a large mining company that closed its doors in the early 80’s.Nestled in the mountains and surrounded by National Forest Lands we just happen to live in one of the country’s most beautiful places. The main product in my home town today is tourism! Wanting to see the new found growth of our area managed properly it was a perfect fit for us to become involved. Our community is tasked with managing the changing of the landscape as our little home town is transformed to year round mecca for visitors from all over the world to visit and live.

How do you market your business?

Marketing our niche business started out by word of mouth advertising, neighbors recommending us to neighbors. Today we are growing with a strong internet presence and manufacturing support from our nationally known suppliers. Without the internet and its far reaching capabilities marketing to our clients can be filled with wasted dollars spent trying to reach the small upscale market we cater to. Customized search capabilities of the internet allow us to find our clients and them to find us much more easily. Traditional forms of advertising largely do not work for us. We are somewhat unique in a world of cookie cutter businesses. The internet and social media definitely lead our top forms of connecting with clients.

How has technology, such as computers and the internet, impacted on how you conduct business?

Technology helped form our business and today we could not exist without it.  Almost all of our work is custom and designed in Auto Cad and other forms computer aided systems. 3-D modeling and testing of prototypes brings new products to market faster and more efficiently than other means. Our visions are more easily conveyed to our clients allowing their vision to become reality.Computers streamline the process allows us to control our costs and keep those services in house.

How important is social media to your business?

Social media has been good for our business. Its hard to say where we would be without it, we take it very seriously. Our products can be unique enough that customers don’t know they want or need it until they see it. Social media allows us to showcase products and services in a video format and other means to convey a sometimes difficult message. Business grow this dependent on sharing the ideas that make us unique! At the same time we are also a very environmentally focused company, without our environment our customers could easily choose to vacation somewhere else. Building that reputation of caring for a community can be slow to come without involving many others in your quest. Together with our customers and visitors we also spend lots of time and resources protecting and preserving our beautiful natural environment. Our clients are here because of the beautiful place we work and live in. Social media is a key tool used to engage the public, our customers,friends and neighbors to help with those efforts. In short we all become one big team focused on preserving our neck of the woods. The increased traffic of visitors vacationing here places a tax on the environment. Together we can all make a difference and Social Media is the conduit for bringing unity to the effort, and, in the process we also gain some very valuable advertisement for our business.

29 Messages


1.4K Points

6 years ago

Really clean site .... how did you create the facebook posting column on the right?

661 Messages


75.4K Points

6 years ago

The website is wider than my monitor. I cannot read the content on the right side of the page.

1.4K Messages


262.9K Points

6 years ago

Very nicely made site. It has a ton of great information and gives visitors a clear picture of your business

I do have some suggestions for your consideration.

  1. Work on your page titles and add a good description.

  2. You have some pages, the about and used docks for example where you have a couple of sections that are not used or taller than they need to be. This results in some extra white space on the pages. If you remove an unused section or reduce the size, you can remove some of the empty space.

  3. On the Rhino Marine page, unless you plan on adding much more to the page, I do not think you need to have a sections menu. If you do plan on adding more content and keep the sections menu, then you should make sure that all text and gallery pertaining to each section, are actually in one section.

  4. Add some content to the EZ Port page or remove it and add a link to that site if you really need it.
I think these small things will tighten up the site a little bit, and the page titles and descriptions will help with search results.