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Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020 3:53 PM

3 Keys To A Strong Social Media Strategy

3 Keys To A Strong Social Media Strategy

Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools today. It is widely used to expand the limits and potential audiences for a business. To obtain and maintain a strong social media presence and following you will need to implement a strong social media strategy. Use these 3 tips to improve your professional online presence.


Choosing your platforms 

The first step is obvious, make sure you are utilizing the best social media platforms that are most beneficial to help you reach your target audience. The most popular social media sites used in 2020 are Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, and Tumblr. It is fine to utilize all platforms but smarter to focus on about 3 that you can make a strong commitment to. Focusing on the right platform can boost the visibility of your brand, increase leads, and ultimately generate more sales when used correctly. 


Set your goals and objectives

Once you have a grasp of who your audience is, you’ll then need to identify key goals for your social media marketing efforts. Ask yourself a few questions, what do you hope to achieve with your strategy? How much (time and money) are you willing to invest? How quickly are you looking to grow online? Most goals focus on increasing brand awareness, sales/lead generation, increasing community engagement, growing the brand’s audience, and increasing web traffic. Setting goals can help hold you accountable and help to manage your budget.

The SMART goal-setting framework is very popular and I recommend it for social marketers.

SMART is an acronym for:

Specific: Your goals should be clear, simple and defined.

Measurable: This is where analytics come in. You want a goal that has one or more metrics.

Achievable: Is it achievable or is it not possible within your resources?

Realistic: With your current resources of time and money, is it possible to achieve your goals?

Time-sensitive: Every goal needs a time frame, whether it’s one year or several months.


Creating Valuable Content

Successful social media strategies require a mix of valuable content so you'll need to develop a process to create this content and maximize its impact.

Try targeting and implementing these aspects in your content.

Visual - Visual content, images and video, is more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. Including images as part of your social posts is one of social media marketing’s best practices.

Emotional - Most brands shy away from sharing something polarizing or opinionated, but this is the kind of content that resonates most with people on social media. Create content that evokes enlightenment, excitement, or amusement to encourage engagement and shares.

Valuable - Most like to share content that they think may be helpful or educational to peers. Research found that people like to share useful content to help others, for self-help, personal interest, and social exchange. It is important to find a way to offer valuable content to your social followers and develop a powerful strategy to promote it.


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